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10C Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 22-532 <br />On August 1, 2021, the City entered into a contract with Koff & Associates to conduct a <br />Classification and Compensation study for San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) <br />positions as agreed upon in the SLMO Memorandum of Understanding. Koff & Associates was <br />selected from a Request for Proposals process, conducted in early 2021, because of their <br />extensive experience conducting surveys for cities and other public sector organizations, their <br />positive approach to addressing changes in the classification descriptions, and their well-defined <br />methodology. <br />The SLMO study is near completion, and a new contract is necessary for Koff & Associates to <br />undertake the additional study of SLCEA and Confidential positions. <br />Analysis <br />Koff & Associates is a highly qualified, full ‐spectrum, public‐sector human resources and <br />recruitment firm that specializes in classification and compensation studies. They have 38 years <br />of experience in the field and a deep familiarity with local government organizational structures, <br />agency missions, operational and budgetary requirements, and staffing expectations. The City <br />has been satisfied with Koff’s services to date with the SLMO study. <br />While conducting the SLMO study, Koff and Associates gained considerable knowledge of City <br />leadership’s vision for staffing structure, succession planning, and retention strategies. In their <br />analysis, they considered the staffing challenges and goals of the City, as the City implemented <br />department reorganizations and underwent personnel transitions. The Koff team has also <br />established strong partnerships with Human Resources and management staff. <br />By selecting Koff & Associates to continue its work with SLCEA and the Confidential <br />classifications, it ensures continuity in the methodology used for SLMO’s study. Koff’s <br />understanding of the City’s specific organizational structure also ensures a connection across the <br />city-wide classification and compensation structure. <br />The agreement for SLMO was for $59,360 for 47 classifications. The proposed agreement for the <br />SLCEA and Confidential study will cost an additional $210,290 for the magnitude and complexity <br />of studying 135 classifications. The cost of the study is a significant investment in the City’s labor <br />and is long overdue. The last comprehensive classification study was conducted in 2008 and the <br />last compensation study was completed in 2011. <br />Upon completion of the classification and compensation study, the City and SLCEA will meet and <br />confer to discuss the results during negotiations for a successor agreement. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This study will require Council appropriation of $210,290 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 from the <br />General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance into Account 010-12-020-5120. There will be no <br />off-setting revenues for this project. <br />This Council action was not budgeted and will require an appropriation of $210,290 for this study <br />that will draw down the Fund’s undesignated fund balance. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022
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