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Packet 09192022
10C Consent
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9/26/2022 12:07:59 PM
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9/26/2022 12:07:57 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Attachment 1: CSA Scope of Work <br /> <br />The scope of work will include, but not be limited to: <br />The basic study is for all positions in the San Leandro City Employees’ Association and Confidential group. <br />Provide implementation support, which would include, but not limited to, City Council, employee <br />groups and union groups presentations and maintenance training on the system. <br />Establish and provide concrete schedules for each of the proposed developments. <br />Present findings and recommendations, including written and oral report and policies at various <br />meetings. <br /> <br />Classification study <br /> Review and update job classifications to uniformly reflect the distinguishing characteristics, <br />essential and non-essential job functions, set appropriate minimum qualifications <br />(education/experience and knowledge/skills/abilities), certification/licenses/registrations, and <br />working conditions. Confirm and recommend changes to hierarchical order. <br /> A written methodology for determining the distinctive characteristics of each requested City job <br />classification. <br /> Review and revise job classifications to ensure compliance with City policies, legal State and Federal <br />requirements with special emphasis on compliance with the provisions of the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA). <br /> Conduct interviews and/or job audits as appropriate. Engage respective employees, <br />supervisors and department heads in the evaluation and analysis process; develop and <br />distribute a position description questionnaire; other related data collection and analysis. <br /> Review current classification methodology and recommend strategies for the City; <br /> Finalize job classifications for each position, including correction of identified discrepancies <br />between existing and proposed classifications. <br /> Clearly outline promotional opportunities and provide recognizable compensation growth. <br /> Provide a straightforward, easily understood maintenance system that Human Resources will use <br />to keep the standing classification system current and equitable. <br /> Provide recommendations for a process to evaluate requests for reclassification and/or <br />compensation changes. <br /> <br />Compensation Study <br /> Review current compensation plan (salary grade levels and steps) and understand current <br />challenges in recruiting and retaining employees. <br /> Provide appropriate benchmark standards and conduct compensation surveys; analyze data to <br />develop a pay structure while assuring internal and external equity and compliance with State and <br />Federal requirements. <br /> Compile and analyze information from ten comparable agencies (City of Alameda, City of Hayward, <br />City of Livermore, City of Milpitas, City of Pleasanton, City of Redwood City, City of San Mateo, City <br />of San Ramon, City of South San Francisco, City of Union City) providing similar services along with <br />other competitive data. <br /> Identify potential pay compression issues and provide potential solutions. <br /> Analyze and recommend changes to the present compensation structure to meet market analysis.
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