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<br />construction layout control points and a coordinate system for locating site elements. <br />Note that the horizontal control plans are not included in the 60% PS&E submittal. <br /> <br />Grading, Drainage, and Stormwater Plans <br />The plans will show all vertical control of the project elements, contour grading, spot <br />elevations, and cut and fill estimates within the project site. The plans will detail all <br />drainage facilities within the site. This scope is limited to the project site only <br />(approximately 13,500 sf), the existing off- site upstream and downstream storm drain <br />infrastructure has adequate capacity for the proposed site development, and analysis or <br />upgrades to this infrastructure is not included. <br /> <br />Stormwater evaluation to include the following: <br /> <br />This project is assumed to create at least 2,500 but less than 10,000 sf of impervious <br />surface and is therefore classified as a Provision C.3.i Small Project. CONSULTANT will <br />design permanent stormwater treatment in accordance with the C.3 Stormwater <br />Technical Guidance, Appendix L (C.3 Guide, February 2021). The design will utilize at <br />least one low impact development site design measure (e.g., direct runoff from <br />sidewalks, walkways, and/or patios onto vegetated areas). CONSULTANT will prepare <br />a City of San Leandro Stormwater Requirements Checklist. <br />CONSULTANT will submit a draft version of the stormwater control plan and the City of <br />San Leandro Stormwater Requirements Checklist with the 90% PS&E and the final <br />version will be submitted with the 100% PS&E <br /> <br />Construction Plan <br />Construction plans for the park design layout with a keynoting system that identifies all <br />construction items, references to appropriate details, and drawing series directions. This <br />plan will include and annotate all site features, hardscape, paving materials, and signs. <br /> <br />Site Electrical Plans <br />CONSULTANT will prepare electrical service plans for: <br />Site investigation and confirmation of power source for informational kiosk, landscape <br />memorial lighting, and irrigation controller <br />Coordination with CONSULTANT for lighting design for memorial column <br />Preparation of submittal documents per project schedule, inclusive of plans, <br />specifications, and estimates at concept level (Task A), 60% CD, 90%CD, and bid PS&E <br />documents. Applicable compliance documentation with of the California Building <br />Efficiency Standards TL24 <br /> <br />This scope assumes that the existing on-site electrical service is adequate for the <br />proposed improvements and a new utility application for the extension of new service is <br />not required. <br /> <br />Should electrical power not be readily or economically available to site a shoreline, then <br />consideration will be given to use of a solar PV powered source. This will involve <br />additional design time via optional Subtask B.6 (Solar PV Design).