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<br />specifications are the responsibility of the City including general provisions. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Bid-ready PS&E submittal <br />City Stormwater Requirements Checklist (Final) <br /> <br /> <br />Subtask B.5: BCDC Permit <br />CONSULTANT will spend up to thirty six hours assisting the City’s project manager in <br />preparing a San Francisco BCDC Permit – a Regionwide Permit No. 4 is assumed. City <br />will provide all proof of legal property interest, environmental documentation, <br />environmental studies, and fees. This assistance could include providing written <br />clarifications, preparing exhibits, and/or attending extra meetings (such as with the City, <br />BCDC, Regional Water Quality Control Board, etc.) at the request of the City. <br /> <br />Due to the unknown nature of the level of effort that might be required, the task allows <br />for 36- hours of support. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Up to thirty six (36) hours of support during permitting review process <br />BCDC exhibits <br /> <br />Subtask B.6: Solar PV Design (Optional Task) <br />Natron Consulting Engineers will modify their electrical design to utilize a solar PV <br />power source. Power source will be located within the project site and use off-the-shelf <br />products. No custom manufacturing or custom products for solar PV is included in this <br />project. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Revised electrical plans from Task B to incorporate solar PV power <br /> <br />Reimbursable Expenses <br />Incidental expenses incurred by RRM Design Group or any subconsultant it may hire to <br />perform services for this project, are reimbursed by the Client at actual cost plus 10% to <br />cover its overhead and/or administrative expenses. Reimbursable expenses include, but <br />are not limited to, reproduction costs, postage, shipping and handling of drawings and <br />documents, long-distance communications, fees paid to authorities having jurisdiction <br />over the project, the expense of any additional insurance requested by Client in excess <br />of that normally carried by RRM Design Group or its subconsultants, travel expenses <br />(transportation/automobile/lodging/meals), and renderings and models. Reimbursable <br />automobile travel mileage will be billed at the current IRS business standard mileage <br />rate. <br /> <br />Estimated Fee: <br />$700