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File Number: 22-426 <br />CIP budget. The project will create a public space carefully designed to bolster community <br />understanding, reconciliation, and awareness of belonging, and to promote healing among the <br />residents of San Leandro. <br />The City published a request for proposals for design services in early 2022; however, despite <br />outreach to numerous landscape design and architecture firms, no responses were received. <br />Staff continued to seek proposals from qualified design consultants and eventually received the <br />subject proposal from RRM Design Group (RRM). <br />Analysis <br />RRM is a local firm focused on creating public spaces. Their core values include respect for <br />everyone, and championing diversity and inclusion. RRM will conceive construction plans for the <br />Steven Taylor Sanctity of Life Memorial through a city-wide engagement process that is inclusive, <br />equitable, and public. The process and the plans will align with the City’s values of diversity, equity <br />and belonging to ensure all voices are heard, including community voices with a diversity of <br />expertise, and lived experience. <br />This contract represents our current understanding of the work required. From time-to-time <br />changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information and/or to include <br />additional items of work necessary for a complete product. In order to resolve these issues in a <br />timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff requests authorization to issue individual contract <br />amendments up to 5% or $8,394 each and cumulative contact amendments up to 10%, or <br />$16,787 of the original contract. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />2022 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·General Plan Goal OSC-2: Develop additional parkland in the city to better meet existing <br />needs and respond to future needs <br />Financial Impacts <br />This project is funded with general funds and is anticipated to cost $625,000. The cost of this <br />contract is $167,870. <br />The project is funded as follows, CIP accounts are carried forward for five years or until the work <br />is complete, whichever occurs first . <br />Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-62-141 $625,000 <br />Total $625,000 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022