Laserfiche WebLink
<br />Subtask A.8: Online Survey Concept Design Materials <br />Based on coordination with City staff and Kearns & West, CONSULTANT will provide <br />input on the online survey questions, the concept design plans, and site character <br />imagery to accompany the survey prepared and administered by Kearns & West. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Coordination meeting with City staff and outreach consultants <br />Provide input, plans, and imagery for online survey questions <br /> <br />Subtask A.9: Refined Concept Design <br />Based on the feedback received from City staff, CONSULTANT will refine the <br />conceptual design into two alternatives. This task includes an internal meeting with staff <br />to present the draft alternatives in black and white format either in person or virtually. <br />RRM will make minor revisions to the concepts before preparing two colored plans, <br />which will be provided to City staff in PDF format. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Two (2) draft concept-level design alternatives <br />Two (2) color concept-level design alternatives <br />Attendance at an internal meeting <br /> <br />Subtask A.10: Public Hearing Presentation Material <br />Based on coordination with City staff and Kearns & West, CONSULTANT will prepare a <br />PowerPoint presentation to communicate the outreach process to date, along with the <br />two refined concept designs. Presentation of the plans to be made by City staff. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />Coordination meeting with City staff and outreach consultants <br />Prepare PowerPoint presentation for public hearing <br /> <br />Subtask A.11: Final Concept Design <br />Based on community and City feedback received from City staff, CONSULTANT will <br />refine the conceptual design into one alternative. This task includes an internal meeting <br />with staff to present the draft alternative in black and white format either in person or <br />virtually. RRM will make minor revisions to the concept before preparing a colored plan, <br />which will be provided to City staff in PDF format. <br /> <br />Deliverables: <br />One (1) draft concept-level design alternatives <br />One (1) color concept-level design alternatives <br />Attendance at an internal meeting <br /> <br />Subtask A.12: Project Management <br />In addition to the meetings included in tasks above, RRM will provide up to forty hours <br />of coordination time with City staff, the outreach consultants, and the artist over the <br />course of the concept design phase including phone calls, emails, and coordination