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File Number: 22-544 <br />The last Public Works Department staffing review occurred in 2007, and those changes were only <br />at the Manager level, involving the creation of two new positions. In the intervening years, some <br />positions were lost due to “golden handshakes” offered during The Great Recession, operational <br />changes have arisen, and technological advancements have occurred that affect all departmental <br />classifications. Management Partners was contacted to provide a proposed scope of work that <br />included conducting an organizational assessment, with the goal of taking a fresh look at the <br />organizational structure and staffing, to ensure the department has the optimum structure to <br />provide services to the community. <br />The proposed scope of work includes: <br />·Review of the current organizational structure, staffing levels, and spans of control. <br />·Identify succession planning tools to help prepare for retirements and separations. <br />·Provide recommendations pertinent to the department’s organizational structure and <br />staffing levels. <br />Management Partners’ scope anticipates 229 hours of staff time to complete the work plan at a <br />total inclusive cost of $46,990. The City’s Purchasing Policy indicates that CSA’s less than <br />$50,000 may be approved administratively by the City Manager. Currently, Management Partners <br />is under contract with the City for the following services: <br />·Recreation and Human Services Department Assessment (2022);$29,900 <br />·Fiscal Model Update (2021/2022); $30,000 <br />·Fiscal Model Update (2020/2021), Time & Materials based $15,000 <br />With the proposed scopes of work planned for the Public Works Department and also the <br />Engineering & Transportation Department ($39,900), this would bring the cumulative contracts <br />total over the past two plus years to $161,790. It is noted that as of October 1, Management <br />Partners will be merging with the firm Baker Tilly. Therefore, staff will be preparing the CSA for <br />Baker Tilly’s signature. <br />Financial Impacts <br />Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Public Works budget in Account <br />010-17-001-5120 for the $46,990 scope of services for organizational consulting . <br />This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are funds available in the <br />FY2022-2023 adopted budget. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution authorizing CSA with Baker Tilly <br />Attachment B: CSA Scope of Work Management Partners <br />Attachment C: Press release for Baker Tilly-Management Partners <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022