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performance prior to approval of this Agreement will be at the Grantee’s own risk. <br />18.DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DVBE) PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT <br />There are no Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise participation requirements with this <br />agreement. <br />19.AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT <br />Grantee must provide DBW with evidence of its authority to enter into this Agreement. <br />Grantee may provide a delegation of contracting authority from its local governing body that <br />by law has authority to contract. Alternatively, Grantee shall provide DBW with a resolution, <br />order, motion, or ordinance of its local governing body that by law has authority to contract, <br />authorizing execution of this Agreement. <br />20.COMPLIANCE WITH LAW AND REGULATIONS <br />Grantee and its subcontractor(s) shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the <br />State of California for all work to be performed under this Agreement. By signing this <br />Agreement, Grantee certifies its compliance and the compliance of all subcontractors with: <br />(a) applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; (b) Nondiscrimination <br />Program requirements of Government Code section 12990 (a-f) and Title 2, California Code <br />of Regulations, section 8103 (and section 8113 in contracts over $5,000) along with section <br />7285 et. seq. of the Fair Employment and Housing Act; (c) Drug-Free Workplace requirement <br />of Government Code section 8350 et seq.; (d) National Labor Relations Board Certification of <br />Public Contract Code section 10296; (e) Workers’ Compensation requirement of Labor Code <br />section 3700; and (f) Americans with Disabilities Act regulations issued pursuant to 42 U.S.C. <br />section 12101 et seq. <br />21.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR <br />Grantee and its employees are independent contractors and shall not be considered officers <br />or employees of DBW or agents of the State of California. <br />22.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />The abatement, removal, storage, and /or disposal of vessels under this Agreement is a <br />hazardous activity. Grantee therefore must maintain commercial general liability insurance in <br />an amount and of a type acceptable to DBW and to the Department of General Services/ <br />Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM). <br />a.GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLYING TO ALL POLICIES <br />(1)Coverage Term <br />Coverage needs to be in force for the complete term of the Agreement. If <br />insurance expires during the term of the grant, a new certificate must be <br />received by the DBW at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration of this <br />insurance. Any new insurance must still comply with the original terms of <br />the grant. <br />(2)Policy cancellation or termination & notice of non-renewal <br />Insurance policies shall contain a provision stating coverage will not be <br />cancelled without 30 days prior written notice to the DBW. In the event <br />Grantee fails to keep in effect at all times the specified insurance coverage, <br />the DBW may, in addition to any other remedies it may have, terminate this <br />Agreement upon the occurrence of such event, subject to the provisions of <br />Date: 08/12/2022 Contract # C22S0624, City of San Leandro Marina, Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel <br />Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2022/2023 <br />__________________________________________________________________________ <br />Page: 10 of 4141