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verification of in-kind contribution is required with reimbursement request(s). The <br />statement of in-kind hours must be on the form provided by DBW through the Online <br />Grants Application (OLGA), or available upon request, and must include: <br />(1)Activity date <br />(2)Vessel/issue name or description <br />(3)Personnel name <br />(4)Description of SAVE program service provided <br />(5)Number of hours provided by each person (may not exceed more than 8 <br />hours per person per day.) <br />(6)Hourly rate and total value <br />d.The burden of proof in complying with the 10-percent contribution requirement is the <br />responsibility of the grantee. Funds will not be disbursed until the grantee has <br />provided DBW with acceptable documentation that it complied with the 10-percent <br />contribution requirement for each disbursement. <br />26 BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS <br />a.Covered Expenses and Reimbursement Claims Processes <br />(1)DBW will reimburse the following contract-negotiated rate expenditures <br />provided by Grantee’s contracted service providers, contractors and/or <br />subcontractors, within the scope of the SAVE program for abandoned <br />vessels: <br />(a)Raising of submerged vessels from shallow waters. Depth of water <br />over obstruction at low water must be 15 feet or less; objects <br />submerged more than 15 feet at low water are not eligible without prior <br />DBW approval. <br />(b)Mast and/or rigging removal if vessel is in waters greater than 15 feet <br />deep at low water. <br />(c)Vessel removal from accessible locations <br />(d)Hazardous materials (hazmat) removal and disposal <br />(e)Towing <br />(f)Storage <br />i.Without lien sale: 60 days maximum <br />ii.With lien sale: 90 days maximum with justification <br />iii.If stored onsite at Grantee’s facility, 50% of the normal rate <br />of charge to the public will be reimbursed, and fee schedule <br />is required for verification. <br />(g)Lien sale expenses: fees charged by lien sale service companies, <br />postage, DMV fees, and advertising costs <br />(h)Public notice advertising <br />(i)Vessel appraisal <br />(j)Salvage and demolition <br />(2)DBW will reimburse the following contract-negotiated rate expenditures <br />provided by Grantee’s contracted service providers, contractors and/or <br />Date: 08/12/2022 Contract # C22S0624, City of San Leandro Marina, Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel <br />Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2022/2023 <br />__________________________________________________________________________ <br />Page: 14 of 4141