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File Number: 22-545 <br />material, which advances the Library’s goal of developing a collection that is more equitable in <br />meeting the needs of San Leandro’s diverse community. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy CD-3.7 Cultural Inclusiveness. Ensure that San Leandro’s historic preservation <br />efforts are culturally inclusive and recognize the contributions of the City’s many racial and <br />ethnic groups to its development. Programs that trace the roots and celebrate the history <br />of different ethnic groups should be strongly encouraged, along with outreach to minorities, <br />youth and under-represented groups. <br />·GOAL CSF-3 Sustain and expand a public library system that provides a destination for <br />exploration and discovery, knowledge and information, leisure and cultural enrichment, and <br />life-long learning opportunities for persons of all ages. <br />·Policy CSF-3.5 Resources for Self-Improvement. Ensure that San Leandro’s libraries and <br />other community institutions provide a setting for the open exchange of ideas and <br />information and provide an opportunity for residents of all backgrounds to improve their <br />skills and knowledge. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />In preparation of acceptance of this gift the library has reached out to members of the Chinese <br />speaking community in San Leandro to facilitate a discussion with them to determine what type of <br />materials would serve their needs best. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney has reviewed and approved accepting this donation. <br />Financial Impacts <br />The $30,000 bequest will be recognized on balance sheet account 010-220-2262, “Gifts & <br />Donations-Library” and expenditures programmed over multiple fiscal years from account <br />010-68-008, the “Donation-Pamela Kung Trust” cost center . <br />While staff plan to expend all $30,000 in Fiscal Year 2022-2023, staff will request Council <br />authorization to re-appropriate into subsequent fiscal years the remaining balance that Finance <br />verifies until the full donation amount has been expended. <br />This Council action accepting this donation will enhance general funds available to the Library <br />Department over multiple fiscal years to support a core service, collection development. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution to Approve The Pamela Kung Trust Donation to the San Leandro <br />Public Library for the Expansion of the Chinese Language Materials <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022