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File Number: 22-535 <br />Objective: Create a Suitable Living Environment <br />Priority/Action: Affordable Housing Needs/Reduce housing discrimination. <br />Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO Housing; Grant Amount: <br />$10,000): In FY 2021-2022, the City contracted with ECHO Housing, a regional non-profit fair <br />housing agency, to provide fair housing services in an effort to reduce housing discrimination. <br />ECHO Housing received 28 fair housing complaints. ECHO Housing provided information, <br />counseling, and/or investigation into fair housing inquiries and allegations of housing <br />discrimination. ECHO Housing also provided education on fair housing laws, rights, and <br />responsibilities through workshops, trainings, and presentations. The City allocates CDBG <br />general administration funds for ECHO Housing's fair housing services that help the City <br />affirmatively further fair housing. <br />Child Abuse Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination Center (CALICO; Grant Amount: <br />$23,344): CALICO's San Leandro Child Abuse Intervention Project provides family support <br />services to improve mental health outcomes for San Leandro toddlers, children, adolescents, and <br />adults living with developmental disabilities who have suffered physical or sexual abuse or <br />neglect, and for the caregivers of those victims. During FY 2021-2022, CALICO served 45 San <br />Leandro clients comprised of 22 children and 23 adult caregivers of those children, exceeding <br />their annual goal of 33 San Leandro clients by 136%. <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center (Grant Amount: $35,000): Davis Street’s Family <br />Support Services Program provides “Basic Needs” services, including emergency food and <br />clothing and other family support services such as medical/dental services, employment <br />counseling, and housing assistance to low-income and working poor individuals and families. For <br />FY 2021-2022, Davis Street provided support to 6,148 total unduplicated persons, all of which <br />were San Leandro residents. Davis Street provided grocery bags to clients with the food <br />equivalent of 54,888 meals. <br />SOS/Meals on Wheels (Grant Amount: $35,000): SOS/Meals on Wheels Program serves <br />seniors (persons 60 years of age or older) unable to buy or prepare food for themselves. This <br />meal delivery service provides warm, nutritious, and balanced meals that are one-third of a <br />senior’s recommended daily dietary allowance. A secondary outcome of the service comes from <br />food delivery staff reporting perceived illness or safety issues, which is a critical safety net for <br />homebound seniors. In FY 2021-2022, a total of 385 homebound seniors were served by this <br />program. <br />Spectrum Community Services (Grant Amount: $24,909): Spectrum works to support San <br />Leandro Senior Citizens to stay healthy and independent by serving hot, nutritious meals in a <br />supportive setting, five days a week. In FY 2021-2022, 181 low-income San Leandro senior <br />citizens received hot, nutritious meals. <br />City Funded Housing Services/Programs <br />The City also appropriated General Funds to the following programs in FY 2021-2022. These <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022