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CAPER 1 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021) <br />CR-05 - Goals and Outcomes <br />Progress the jurisdiction has made in carrying out its strategic plan and its action plan. <br />91.520(a) <br />The City of San Leandro is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development entitlement city for <br />the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. For FY 2021-22, the City received an <br />allocation of $774,605. On March 27, 2020 the federal government adopted the CARES Act. As a result <br />of this law, in April 2020, HUD awarded the City $451,972 in CDBG-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Round I funds <br />and in October 2020, $711,206 in Round III funds for a total of $1,163,178 to prevent, prepare for, and <br />respond to COVID-19. The bulk of the City’s CDBG-CV allocation was allocated and spent in FY 2020-21, <br />but there was a balance of approximately $130,000 that was fully expended on rental assistance for <br />low-income San Leandro residents in FY 2021-22. This Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation <br />Report covers the second year of its FY 2020-2024 HUD Five Year Consolidated Plan and includes all <br />activities both under the City’s typical annual activities along with those activities sanctioned under the <br />auspices of the CARES Act. The City's CDBG and CDBG-CV funds were used for activities that meet the <br />CDBG program national objective to benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons. There were four <br />categories of programs where these funds were commited: Public Services, General Administration & <br />Planning, Improvement of Public Facilities and Housing Activities. <br />The City allocated its CDBG public services funds to four subrecipients (CALICO, Davis Street Family <br />Resource Center, SOS/Meals on Wheels, and Spectrum Community Services) who provided support <br />services to 6,816 low-income persons in need from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. <br />The City also allocated CDBG funds to its Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Program that provided <br />twenty (20) income-eligible homeowner with a housing rehabilitation grant to conduct minor home <br />repairs. <br />Additionally, CDBG funds supported the following: 1) the City's implementation of its ADA Transition <br />Plan designed to modify the City's facilities to improve ADA accessibility requirements; 2) the repayment <br />of the City's Section 108 Loan (in accordance with HUD's 20-year repayment schedule) that the City <br />utilized to complete the construction of its senior center; and 3) to affirmatively further fair housing, <br />who the City used CDBG funds to contract with ECHO Housing to provide fair housing services. <br />See Appendix A for U.S. HUD Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS) Summary Reports: <br />• PR23 – Summary of Accomplishments <br />• PR03 – CDBG Activity Summary Report