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City Council on 2022-09-19 6:30 PM - AMENDED <br />09-19-22 18:30 <br />Agenda Name Comments Support Oppose Neutral <br />10.c. 22-532 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City <br />Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement between the City <br />of San Leandro and Koff & Associates, a division of Gallagher Benefit <br />Services, Inc. to Conduct a Classification and Total Compensation Study <br />of San Leandro City Employees Association (SLCEA) and San Leandro <br />Confidential classifications for $210,290.00 <br />1 1 0 0 <br />Sentiments for All Agenda Items <br />The following graphs display sentiments for comments that have location data. Only locations of users who have commented <br />will be shown. <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Agenda Item: eComments for 10.c. 22-532 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a <br />Consulting Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and Koff & Associates, a division of Gallagher Benefit <br />Services, Inc. to Conduct a Classification and Total Compensation Study of San Leandro City Employees Association (SLCEA) <br />and San Leandro Confidential classifications for $210,290.00 <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Heather DeQuincy <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 2:45pm 09-16-22 <br />I support hiring a consultant to analyze the classification and compensation of city employees. Making sure that <br />our city employees are compensated fairly is important to me as a resident, especially as staff retention and <br />attracting talented new staff are important for cohesive city business. In the future, I hope that the city includes <br />analysis of the remainders of the city employees, including managers. Thank you, Heather DeQuincy