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COPi-,EtrT 0?"AIL CITY ATTOF.iMZ OF TRL CITY OIL 5--N LEANDRO <br />CW14—TY OF AUMEDA, STATE O,4 C-%LIFO&WU <br />The City :Xtornsy of the Cityr:6f Zan '.eandro, County of Alas+eda, State <br />of California, hereby consents to the c.;acellatiou of ,11 uncollected city tF_xes <br />or csesaments and or costa thereon, charizad or levied -nd nose a <br />lira vpon the real property hereinal. :L c?cacribcc , and ate ahMI on thoac <br />cart.:in 4oeda duly roco;ded in the office of the :recorder of Alamda County. <br />elk/ <br />GLr--M A. FORMS <br />City :attorney for the City of as Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California <br />By T X LOM, <br />Assistant City Attorney for the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, St:tte of <br />California <br />CERTW7 TN;,- T•l <br />RECT COrY CF <br />THE 60:!EO u C''`FEB 10 1916 <br />ATTEST: FE 8 10 1976 <br />9 <br />