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Nk <br />RE:4614 K816 <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California, being further described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1 <br />Beginning at the intersection of the northeast line of the Western <br />Pacific Railroad Company right of way, as shown on the "Record of <br />Survey for Western Pacific Railroad Company, Estudillo Property, <br />in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County, California", filed April <br />3, 1962, in Book 4 of Records of Surveys, at Page 45, Alameda County <br />Records, with the northwest line of 143rd Avenue (50 feet wide), <br />formerly Knox Avenue, as shown on the "Map of the Knox Tract", filed <br />April 11, 1893, in Book 14 of Maps, at Page 10, Alameda County Records; <br />thence along last said line south 430 24' 28" west 80.00 feet to the <br />southwest line of the said Western Pacific Railroad Company right of <br />way; thence along last said line north 480 06' 43" west 5.00 feet to <br />a line drawn parallel with and 5.00 feet northwesterly, measured at <br />right angles, from the said northwest line of 143rd Avenue; thence <br />along said parallel line north 430 24' 28" east 80.00 feet to the <br />said northeast line of the Western Pacific right of way; thence along <br />last said line south 480 06' 43" east 5.00 feet to the BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 400 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />77C-1230-6 <br />PARCEL 2 <br />Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of the said 143rd <br />Avenue with the said northeast line of the Western Pacific Railroad <br />Company right of way; thence along last said line south 480 06, 43" <br />east 5.00 feet to a line drawn parallel with and 5.00 feet southeast- <br />erly, measured at right angles, from the said southeast line of 143rd <br />Avenue; thence along said parallel line south 430 24' 28" west 80.00 <br />feet to the southwest line of the said Western Pacific Railroad Com- <br />pany right of way; thence along last said line north 480 06, 43" west <br />_ 5.00 feet to the said southeast line of 143rd Avenue; thence along <br />last said line north 430 24' 28" east 80.00 feet to the BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 400 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />77C-1235=5 <br />=IBIT n!i" <br />76-198'7A <br />