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CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS <br />1. DEFINITION OF TERMS <br />The following terms when used in this policy <br />mean: <br />(a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule <br />A, and, subject to any rights or defenses the Com- <br />pany may have had against the named insured, <br />those who succeed to the interest of such insured <br />by operation of law as distinguished from purchase <br />including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, de- <br />visees, survivors, personal representatives, next of <br />kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. The term <br />"insured" also includes (i) the owner of the indebt- <br />edness secured by the insured mortgage and each <br />successor in ownership of such indebtedness (re- <br />serving, however, all rights and defenses as to any <br />such successor who acquires the indebtedness by <br />operation of law as described in the first sentence <br />of this subparagraph (a) that the Company would <br />have had against the successor's transferor), and <br />further includes (ii) any governmental agency or <br />instrumentality which is an insurer or guarantor <br />under an insurance contract or guaranty insuring or <br />guaranteeing said indebtedness, or any part thereof, <br />whether named as an insured herein or not, and <br />(iii) the parties designated in paragraph 2 (a) of <br />these Conditions and Stipulations. <br />(b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming <br />loss or damage hereunder. <br />(c) "insured lender": the owner of an insured <br />mortgage. <br />(d) "insured mortgage": a mortgage shown in <br />Schedule B, the owner of which is named as an in- <br />sured in Schedule A. <br />(a) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not con- <br />structive knowledge or notice which may be im- <br />puted to an insured by reason of any public records. <br />(f) "land": the land described, specifically or <br />by reference in Schedule C, and improvements af- <br />fixed thereto which by law constitute real property; <br />provided, however, the term "land" does not in- <br />clude any area excluded by Paragraph No. 6 of <br />Part I of Schedule B of this Policy. <br />(g) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, <br />trust deed, or other security instrument. <br />(h1 "public records": those records which by <br />law impart constructive notice of matters relating <br />to the land. <br />2. (a) CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE <br />AFTER ACQUISITION OF TITLE BY <br />INSURED LENDER <br />If this policy insures the owner of the indebt- <br />edness secured by the insured mortgage, this policy <br />shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor <br />of such insured who acquires all or any part of the <br />estate or interest in the land described in Schedule <br />C by foreclosure, trustee's sale, conveyance in lieu <br />of foreclosure, or other legal manner which dis- <br />charges the lien of the insured mortgage, and if such <br />insured is a corporation, its transferee of the estate <br />or interest so acquired, provided the transferee is <br />the parent or wholly owned subsidiary of such in- <br />sured; and in favor of any governmental agency or <br />instrumentality which acquires all or any part of the <br />estate or interest pursuant to a contract of insur- <br />ance or guaranty insuring or guaranteeing the in- <br />debtedness secured by the insured mortgage. After <br />any such acquisition the amount of insurance here- <br />under, exclusive of costs, attorneys' fees and ex- <br />penses which the Company may be obligated to <br />pay, shall not exceed the least of: <br />(i) the amount of insurance stated in <br />Schedule A; <br />(ii) the amount of the unpaid principal <br />of the indebtedness plus interest thereon, as deter- <br />mined under paragraph 6 (a) (iii) hereof, expenses <br />of foreclosure and amounts advanced to protect <br />the lien of the insured mortgage and secured by <br />said insured mortgage at the time of acquisition <br />such estate or interest in the land; or <br />(iii) the amount paid by any governmental <br />agency or instrumentality, if such agency or instru- <br />mentality is the insured claimant, in acquisition of <br />such estate or interest in satisfaction of its insur- <br />ance contract or guaranty. <br />(b) CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE <br />AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITLE <br />The coverage of this policy shall continue in <br />force as of Date of Policy, in favor of an insured so <br />long as such insured retains an estate or interest in <br />the land, or owns an indebtedness secured by a pur- <br />chase money mortgage given by a purchaser from <br />such insured, or so long as such insured shall have <br />liability by reason of covenants of warranty made <br />by such insured in any transfer or conveyance of <br />such estate or interest; provided, however, this <br />policy shall not continue in force in favor of any <br />purchaser from such insured of either said estate or <br />interest or the indebtedness secured by a purchase <br />money mortgage given to such insured. <br />3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF <br />ACTIONS β€” NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE <br />GIVEN BY AN INSURED CLAIMANT <br />(a) The Company, at its own cost and without <br />undue delay, shall provide for the defense of an <br />insured in litigation to the extent that such liti- <br />gation involves an alleged defect, lien, encum- <br />brance or other matter insured against by this <br />policy. <br />(b) The insured shall notify the Company <br />promptly in writing (il in case of any litigation as <br />set forth in (a) above, 60 in case knowledge shall <br />come to an insured hereunder of any claim of title <br />or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate <br />or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage, as <br />insured, and which might cause loss or damage for <br />which the Company may be liable by virtue of this <br />policy, or (iii) if title to the estate or interest or the <br />lien of the insured mortgage, as insured, is rejected <br />as unmarketable. If such prompt notice shall not <br />be given to the Company, then as to such insured <br />all liability of the Company shall cease and termi- <br />nate in regard to the matter or matters for which <br />such prompt notice is required; provided, however, <br />that failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the <br />rights of any such insured under this policy unless <br />the Company shall be prejudiced by such failure <br />and then only to the extent of such prejudice. <br />(c) The Company shall have the right at its <br />own cost to institute and without undue delay <br />prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any <br />other act which in its opinion may be necessary or <br />desirable to establish the title to the estate or inter- <br />est or the lien of the insured mortgage, as insured; <br />and the Company may take any appropriate action, <br />whether or not it shall be liable under the terms of <br />this policy, and shall not thereby concede liability <br />or waive any provision of this policy. <br />(d) Whenever the Company shall have brought <br />any action or interposed a defense as required or <br />permitted by the provisions of this policy, the <br />Company may pursue any such litigation to final <br />determination by a court of competent jurisdiction <br />and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discre- <br />tion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. <br />(a) In all cases where this policy permits or re- <br />quires the Company to prosecute or provide for <br />the defense of any action or proceeding, the in- <br />sured hereunder shall secure to the Company the <br />right to so prosecute or provide defense in such <br />action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and <br />permit the Company to use, at its option, the name <br />of such insured for such purpose. Whenever re- <br />quested by the Company, such insured shall give <br />the Company, at the Company's expense, all reason- <br />able aid (1) in any such action or proceeding in <br />effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining <br />witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such action <br />or proceeding, and (2) in any other act which in <br />he opinion of the Company may be necessary <br />lesirable to establish the title to the estate <br />interest or the lien of the insured mortgage, as in- <br />sured, including but not limited to executing cor- <br />rective or other documents. <br />4. PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE β€” <br />LIMITATION OF ACTION <br />In addition to the notices required under Para- <br />graph 3 (b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a <br />proof of loss or damage, signed and sworn to by the <br />insured claimant shall be furnished to the Com- <br />pany within 90 days after the insured claimant <br />shall ascertain or determine the facts giving rise to <br />such loss or damage. Such proof of loss or damage <br />shall describe the defect in, or lien or encumbrance <br />on the title, or other matter insured against by this <br />policy which constitutes the basis of loss or dam- <br />age, and, when appropriate, state the basis of <br />calculating the amount of such loss or damage. <br />Should such proof of loss or damage fail to <br />state facts sufficient to enable the Company to <br />determine its liability hereunder, insured claimant, <br />at the written request of Company, shall furnish <br />such additional information as may reasonably be <br />necessary to make such determination. <br />No right of action shall accrue to insured <br />claimant until 30 days after such proof of loss or <br />damage shall have been furnished. <br />Failure to furnish such proof of loss or damage <br />shall terminate any liability of the Company under <br />this policy as to such loss or damage. <br />5. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE <br />CLAIMS AND OPTIONS TO PURCHASE INβ€” <br />DEBTEDNESS <br />The Company shall have the option to pay or <br />otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured <br />claimant any claim insured against, or to termi- <br />nate all liability and obligations of the Company <br />hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the <br />amount of insurance under this policy together <br />with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses in- <br />curred up to the time of such payment or tender <br />of payment by the insured claimant and authorized <br />by the Company. In case loss or damage is claimed <br />under this policy by the owner of the indebtedness <br />secured by the insured mortgage, the Company shall <br />have the further option to purchase such indebted- <br />ness for the amount owing thereon together with <br />all costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the <br />Company is obligated hereunder to pay. If the <br />Company offers to purchase said indebtedness as <br />herein provided, the owner of such indebtedness <br />shall transfer and assign said indebtedness and the <br />mortgage and any collateral securing the same to <br />the Company upon payment therefor as herein <br />provided. Upon such offer being made by the <br />Company, all liability and obligations of the Com- <br />pany hereunder to the owner of the indebtedness <br />secured by said insured mortgage, other than the <br />obligation to purchase said indebtedness pursuant <br />to this paragraph, are terminated. <br />6. DETERMINATION AND PAYMENT OF LOSS <br />(a) The liability of the Company under this <br />policy shall in no case exceed the least of: <br />(i) the actual loss of the insured claimant; <br />or <br />60 the amount of insurance stated in <br />Schedule A, or, if applicable, the amount of in- <br />surance as defined in paragraph 2 (a) hereof: or <br />Will if this policy insures the owner of the <br />indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage, and <br />provided said owner is the insured claimant, the <br />amount of the unpaid principal of said indebted- <br />ness, plus interest thereon, provided such amount <br />shall not include any additional principal indebted- <br />ness created subsequent to Date of Policy, except <br />as to amounts advanced to protect the lien of the <br />insured mortgage and secured thereby. <br />(b) The Company will pay, in addition to any <br />ss insured against by this policy, all costs im- <br />ised upon an insured in litigation carried on by <br />S (Continued on inside back cover) <br />