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�;ITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />INTEROFFICE MEMO <br />,_._West:_ C.ty_.Clerk_._ DATE 1/13/7$__. <br />FROM ___James M. McSharry. Chief Assistant City Attorney,_,_______ <br />SUBJECT Storm Drain Easements from Avansino-Mortensen and Washington Nursery <br />The attached grants of storm drain easements were suvy_osed to have been c nv d.,_.._,.._ <br />to the City in connection with the K-Mart and L. B. Nelson developments on Floresta <br />and Fremont,,but were overlooked. <br />I have discussed with Joe Yasaki and Fred Minnes,, attorneys for Washington Nurserv__,_ <br />and_Avansino-Mortensen,res-pectively,the intent of the last Pare grant <br />from Washington Nursery. Our agreement as to the effect of that paragraph__i_s_et out <br />in the attached copy of my letter to Mr. Yasaki. <br />Please attach your acceptance to ea rant. They will then b_ a Picked UP by_,_________ <br />Mr. Carter of Tri-States Engineering for recording --- <br />cc: City Manager <br />Public_ Works. <br />13 January 1978 <br />James M. McSharry <br />Picked up by Bill Carter of Tri-State Engineering for recordation. <br />FORM 00 <br />ORIGINAL <br />