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PLEASE RECORD AND RETURN TO: <br />•-r Richard H. West, City Clei <br />r` City of San Leandro <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />air: IM, <br />VU� <br />JOSEPH 0. BELLINI and MICHAEL J. BELLINI grant to the Redevelop- <br />ment Agency of the City of San Leandro a permanent easement for the pur- <br />pose of constructing, maintaining and using a parking lot divider upon, <br />over and across that certain real property in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of lot 2 of the Wicks Addition to the Town <br />of San Leandro, filed February 26, 1868 in Book 2 <br />of maps at Page 21, Alameda County Records, and being <br />further described as follows: <br />Beginning at the south corner of the said lot 2; thence <br />along the southeast line of lot 2 north 700 35' 43" <br />east 50.00 feet to the northeast line of lot 2; thence <br />along the last said line north 19' 24' 17" west 1.00 <br />foot to a line drawn parallel and 1.00 foot northwesterly, <br />measured at right angles, from the said southeast line <br />of lot 2; thence along the said parallel line south <br />70° 35' 43" west 50.00 feet to the southwest line of <br />lot 2; thence along the last said line south 190 24' 17" <br />east 1.00 foot to the BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 50 square <br />feet, more or less. <br />Dated: July 24, 1978 <br />RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS <br />OF ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIF. <br />AUG - 81978 <br />AT 4:30 PM jA <br />RENE C. DAVIDSON, Cwty RMda <br />Jos h 0. Bellini <br />1 <br />Michael J. lini <br />SAN LEANDRO" <br />JUL 25 1978 <br />COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />L/ <br />