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EXHIBIT "A" 81- / 48821 <br />DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />HESPERIAN BOULEVARD (UE-2 Portion) <br />Right of Way to be acquired from Brunfree, Inc., <br />for Pedestrian Ramps opposite Sycamore Street (HCD Project) <br />Map E-84-9 (Sheet 2), Par. 23 <br />Assessor's 413-3-1-3 (Pors.) <br />No. 34634 <br />February 6, 1981 <br />Revised May 5, 1981 <br />All that certain real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />PART A <br />COMMENCING at a point on the westerly line of Hesperian Boulevard, formerly <br />Telegraph Road, 110.00 feet in width, distant thereon North 00 54' 21" East (the bearing <br />of said westerly line of Hesperian Boulevard being taken as North 00 54' 21" East for <br />the purpose of making this description), 29.60 feet from the intersection thereof with <br />the direct production westerly of the center line of Sycamore Street 66.00 feet in width, <br />as said street is delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "Map of San <br />Lorenzo" etc., filed January 16, 1864, in Book 6 of Maps at page 3 thereof, Records of <br />Alameda County, California, and running thence along said westerly line of Hesperian <br />Boulevard, North 0° 54' 21" East, 20.00 feet; thence leaving said westerly line of <br />Hesperian Boulevard, South 31' 52' 11" West, 23.32 feet to a point on a line drawn <br />parallel with the direct production westerly of the aforesaid center line of Sycamore <br />Street, and distant northerly 29.60 feet, measured at right angles thereto; thence along <br />said parallel line, South 89° 05' 39" East, 12.00 feet to the point of commencement. <br />Containing 0.003 acre (120 square feet), more or less, and being a portion of <br />that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Brunfree, Inc., dated October 1, <br />1966, and recorded June 15, 1967, in Reel 1981 of Official Records at image 986 thereof <br />(AZ 56874), Records of Alameda County, California. <br />