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O P T I O N <br />In consideration of TEN AND NO/100 ($�li Q.0_ ) DOLLARS, <br />_ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />THE RECEIPT WHEREOF IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, I HEREBY GIVE TOThe CITY OF _ W <br />SAN LFANDRO. a Muni.aipaL Co�pEAa#,ion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HEREINAFTER REFERRED <br />TO AS OPTIONEE, THE OPTION OF BUYING, FOR THE FULL PRICE OF FOUR THOUSAND_ _ <br />FIVE HUNDRED NINFTV TWO AND 80/100=_ _ _ - _ ($_ 4 592.80_ _) DOLLARS, <br />THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF San Le.andko <br />COUNTY OF Alameda , STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED AS rOLLOWS, ,_._. <br />Real property ill tLa City r ?.,n Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State oa California, being a portion off' that certain parcel <br />of land described in the steed from Vae V. t~ven®on (who SC - <br />cuirad title 39 i`!c':utra) to l,nn 11on Lai and Mary tat, <br />hio wit , recorded Septe�:.')er 22, 1975, on Real 4101 at Innae <br />445, Alameda County ftecoria, nrd bctnc; further dnsr-rtbt�d a^ <br />`, o110wo: <br />beginuing at the interbection of the aouthwast line of Orchard <br />r�. ti l,.e_1le, 11f.0 of Mnrrtril nC1�!1t'- <br />vard, 60 feat wide, formerly k.est l+vonuo 132, frsrmesly 11ir6t <br />�'�•' . c f,'.1c' (r`1::1( 1i:C't'� an: TIrfC At•erue ^.rQ '00'--i Cn <br />the ' ?:ap of Re -Subdivision of ward's Addition," filed larch 10, <br />L ;,c, � A•, i.,,,� ] c s ''tt-� .�t ^t,,c 13� t! cout!�s.e cerly along <br />rigid T10Tt!1HC'�l lire 1) fee.' to this oouthsreat line of the <br />a �, �..^rC(? ''F 1£•i 1 CTi,'I rv- : , n to Lai; thcnr.c nortF°'^4t.^P1j► <br />.110rdg hest [saici lxna to a Zinn drawn r, with and 10.0; <br />fcot ncr t?,t.L its r1 v a --on-)ro ;0 r,t rt�7ht "0", fr-im t',c Said <br />northwout line of tlariva .'iculaval:d'. thence uortheavterly 01011R <br />GLtiil rDUa`^lit'1 1°.nC' f,^,`,a feet to n tAnvent ctirvc' CM1cav- to t�10 <br />northtiest, having a radius of 30.00 feet; thenco nortlicauterly. <br />northerly Bind northun-oterly nlons: nn'cl cur,7n a distnnce of 47.00 <br />fact to o t+.ng0nt line drawn patrallol with end 20.0n fect ooneh- <br />veatcrly, nQnnutatl at ricrl)t anc+lcn, :70M rho anIA nontl--acnt lino <br />of Orcisord Avenue; thence northuu0t071Y alcnp Inat enid prsrall©l <br />line 1iU,}.2 fact to 0L1' north%,ei;t -'.Age Of the r a', r^P!^el Q¢ land <br />from Lvenson to Lai; thence northenotosl" :slonp last said line <br />20.GD icet to e1,e '_3nj(l r,c)utl,trc,Et line rf t�ccrnrc' Ave stir.; Crenr.e <br />rsouthec�3terly c�1on�; l et afraid lAnc 150.11t) feet to tl.e Peginnin¢. <br />The above uescribed parcel of land contairin 6,115 Square fect7. <br />more cr lcr,,s <br />The option pAice 06 - 4,592.80 kepkesent,6 the vague {ion. 1,595 bquaAe <br />beet ob the nequ iLed dedication which .cis the excesb oven 15% o6 the <br />gno,56 anea oU the pnopenty owned by Optio►lotc. <br />Known to me to be the person described in and whose name _ _ _ _ _ subscribed <br />to and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />executed the same. <br />Notary Public in and for said County and State <br />