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` PLEASE .RECORD AIND RETURN TO: 11-' 39200 <br />Rtchrrd H. West, City Clerk GRANT -DEED RE: 4 7 44 K 77,:-?.3 <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 E. 14th St. JOSEPH RODRIGUES AND GENEVA M. RODRIGUES, his wife, and MICHAI.L <br />San Leandro, CA — ). <br />94577 D. AHERN, a married man, hereby grant to the CITY OF SAN LEAPTDRO, a muni- <br />cipal corporation, all that land situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of the parcel of land <br />described in the deed from Joseph Rodrigues and Michael D. <br />Ahern to Michael D. Ahern, Joseph Rodrigues and Geneva M. <br />Rodrigues, his wife, recorded October 29, 1976, on Reel 4583, <br />at Image 301, Alameda County Records, and being further <br />described as fol 1 oars : <br />Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Davis Street <br />with the southwest line of Dabner Street, as said streets are <br />shown on the map of "Dabner's Addition to the Torun of San Leandro" <br />filed May 16, 1871, in Book 2 of maps, at Page 22, Alameda County <br />Records; thence south 72030'30" west along the said north line of <br />Davis Street, 24.05 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent curve <br />concave to the west, having a radius of 20.00 feet; thence easterly, <br />northeasterly, northerly, and northwesterly along the last said <br />curve, through a central angle of 100030'30", a distance of 35.08 <br />feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being the said southwest <br />line of Dabner Street; thence along last said line south 280east <br />24.05 feet to the beginning. <br />The above described parcel <br />or less. <br />DATE .7- / % <br />of land contains 130 square feet, more <br />N OC ER E <br />R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />ASSESSOR'S NO. 75-123-20-3 CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />NO. .11- 39209 <br />RECORDED <br />1977 MAR -2 PM 3: 17 <br />RENE C. DWIDSON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA. <br />