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MEMORANDUM <br />City of San Leandro <br />Public Works Department <br />January 13, 1981 <br />TO: City Cleric <br />FROM: Alice Calvert <br />SUBJ: Check for Prorated Taxes - 1098 Halcyon Drive <br />Attached please find Western Title Insurance Company's check, payable <br />to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, for $167.43. This check is <br />to cover the prorated taxes on the subject property, which was recently <br />purchased by the City. <br />Please send this check to the County, along with the necessary forms <br />to remove the property from the tax roles. <br />Thanks. <br />P.S. A copy. -of the escrow closing statement is also attached for your files. <br />You may note that the $167.43 is not mentioned on the statement - this <br />is because this amount is actually the responsibility of the Seller of <br />the property, and the title company will be billing them. <br />