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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Wayne Avenue, as said avenue is shown on <br />Tract 659, filed April 23, 1943 in Book 8 of Maps, at pages 54 and 55, <br />Alameda County Records, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the western line of Lot 78 with the <br />northern line of Gardner Boulevard, as said lot and Boulevard are shown <br />on said tract; thence along last said line, north 72 30' 30" east, <br />50.15 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, last said point also being <br />the point of tangency of a curve concave to the northwest, having a <br />radius of 15 feet; thence along said curve, northeasterly, northerly and <br />northwesterly, through a central angle of 100 28', a distance of 26.30 <br />feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being theowestern line of said <br />Wayne Avenue; thence along last said line, north 27 57' 30" west, 66.39 <br />feet to a line drawn parallel with and 27.00 feet so-utherly, measured <br />at right angles, from the northern line of said Lot 78 8nd its easterly <br />prolongation; thence along said parallel line, north 72 30' 30" east, <br />25.42 feet to the center line of said Wayne Avenue; thence along said <br />center line, south 27 57' 30" east, 84.41 feet to a point on the easterly <br />prolongation 5 said line of Gardner Boulevard; thence along last said <br />line, south 72 30' 30" west, 43.45 feet to the True Point of Beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains an area of 2,183 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />'LD 85-15 <br />Dwg. 998 Case 1602 <br />Quit Claim Wayne Ave. by Lot 78 <br />Masselli <br />•APN - None <br />