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SCHEDULE A <br />JL <br />Policy Number S 5 7 9 9 0 4 <br />Amount $ 80,000.00 <br />1. Name of Insured: <br />Fee $445. 00 <br />Date of Policy January 3, 1986 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a municipal corporation <br />Order Number <br />103406 <br />at 8 : 3 0 o'clock a. m. <br />2. The estate or interest in the land described in Schedule C and which is covered by this policy is: <br />A FEE <br />3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a municipal corporation. <br />SCHEDULE B <br />This policy does not insure against loss or damage, nor against costs, attorneys' fees or expenses, any or all of which arise by reason of <br />the following: <br />PART ONE <br />1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assess- <br />ments on real property or by the public records. <br />Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown <br />by the records of such agency or by the public records. <br />2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection <br />of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. <br />3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or -claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. <br />4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would <br />disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. <br />5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) <br />water rights, claims or title to water. <br />6. Any right, title, interest, estate or easement in land beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Sched- <br />ule C, or in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing in this paragraph shall modify or <br />limit the extent to which the ordinary right of an abutting owner for access to a physically open street or highway is insured <br />by this policy. <br />7. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting <br />or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location <br />of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the <br />dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. <br />8. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the <br />public records. <br />9. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claim- <br />ant; (b) not shown by the public records and not otherwise excluded from coverage but known to the insured claimant either <br />at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy or acquired the insured <br />mortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became <br />an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to <br />Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had purchaser or encumbrancer for value without knowledge. been a <br />CLTA Standard Coverage Policy-1973 Page 2 <br />