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e+ <br />P <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Lot 73, TYact 655, filed March 26, <br />1943 in Book 8 of Maps, at pages 51, 52 and 53, Alameda County Records, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the western line of said Lot 73, with <br />the southern line of Davis Street, formerly County Road Number 1434, as <br />said lot and street are shown on said tract; thence along last said <br />line, north 69" 30' east, 37.81 feet to a tangent curve, concave to the <br />southwest, having a radius of 15 feet; thence along said curve, north- <br />easterly, easterly and southeasterly, through a central angle of 87" 331, <br />a distance of 22.92 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being the <br />eastern line of said Lot 73; thence along said eastern line, south <br />220 57' east, 9.10 feet; thence north 650 50,50" west, 11.72 feet; thence <br />south 71" 15, 19" west, 43.86 feet to a point on said western line of <br />Lot 73; thence along last said line, north 24° 40, 12" west, 13.91 feet <br />to the Beginning. <br />Maxine C. Freeman, surviving joint tenant, hereby relinquishes any and <br />all rights of ingress or egress from the land herein conveyed over and <br />across the lines described as "south 710 15' 19" west, 43.86 feet", <br />and "north 65' 50' 50" west, 11.72 feet". <br />'Ihe,above described parcel of land contains an area of 750 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />LD 84-2 (Revision 2) <br />Dwg. 891, Case 1602 <br />ROW for Sound Wall <br />1201 Pearson <br />Freeman <br />77A-635-2 <br />r A <br />