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Will: consisting of four consequtive pages <br />In this day of our Lord, January 21, 1960, in the city of <br />Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, I do hereby make <br />my last will and testament. It is my desire that Robert E. Lunn, <br />accountant, of 3862 Carmel Way, San Leandro, Alameda County, Cali- <br />fornia, be appointed Administrator without bond and without fee, <br />of my estate. <br />Following are my bequests: <br />1. My real property consisting of land in the amount of 3/4 <br />of an acre, designated as 1220 - 143rd Avenue, San MVgo, Cali- <br />fornia, described by assessor's map as: (code area map book <br />77D, block 1450, parcel 13) to be deeded to the City of San Leandro, <br />Calif. for use as a public library and/or tennis courts and for no <br />other purpose or use and to be held by the City of San Leandro for <br />this designated purpose and use to the end of time. It is requested <br />that the three (3) Redwood trees on this property be allowed to <br />remain as they are. I give this property in the name of my parents, <br />Daniel M. and Henrietta A. Heath, from whom I inherited it. The name <br />"Dusevoir" is not to be used in any way in connection with this gift. <br />Should the City of San Leandro not accept this gift of land, for the <br />purpose and use as designated, then it is to be given to the Regents <br />of the University of California for scholarships. <br />2. Appurtenances in the way of buildings to the above described <br />property at 1220 - 143rd Ave., San Leandro, Calif., are to be given <br />to'and become the property of Robert E. Lunn for use as he sees fit. <br />3. Furniture, furnishings, furs and any and all clothing and <br />accessory jewelry located in my home at 1220 - 143rd Ave., San Leandro, <br />Calif., to be given to Florence Bottermiller Melrose, 260 Green Street, <br />San Francisco, Calif. to be used as she sees fit, with the following <br />exceptions: 3a * <br />4. My real property in Roseville, Michigan, designated as Lot <br />24 (SD) Waldron Park Subdivision (ER 24) Village of Roseville (E5°) <br />State of Michigan, to be given to The Regents of the University of <br />California for Scholarships. <br />5. My loan investment accounts with Pacific Investment Plan, <br />618 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park, falifornia, as of this date <br />totaling $11,129.90 with interest accruing at 10% per annum, and <br />all additional accounts in this same firm at the time of my demise, <br />