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Deed - 1220 143rd Ave - File 954, 1975
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - 1220 143rd Ave - File 954, 1975
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Last modified
9/26/2022 5:43:25 PM
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9/26/2022 5:41:55 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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I bequeath to the Regents of the University of California for <br />Undergraduate Scholarships in the amounts of $300.00 each for <br />male or female students in the field of education, students of <br />Alameda County. <br />6. Any and all monies in my savings accounts, i.e, Guarantee <br />Savings & Loan Association, 1759 Bdwy, Oakland, Calif. acct. no. 19064; <br />Savings Account No. 00688 in the Pioneer Investors Savings & Loan Assn., <br />San Leandro, Calif.; Acct No. 1535 in the First Savings & Loan, Cor. <br />Davis & E. 14th Streets, San Leandro, California, and my Thrifty <br />Checking Account in Bank of California, E. 14th St. nr Davis, San <br />Leandro, Calif., to Robert E. Lunn for my funeral expenses and his <br />own use in the settlement of my estate'. <br />7. From my Safe Deposit Box No. 5129A in Bank of America, <br />12th & Broadway, Oakland, California, I bequeath the following: <br />(1 man's diamond solitaire <br />(set in yellow gold, and <br />(1 plain gold band wedding <br />(son, Louis M. Seeberger. <br />ring approximately 2 carats, <br />ring (my mothers) both to my <br />8. From my Safe Deposit Box No. 5129A, Bank of America, the <br />following jewelry to the Regents of the University of California <br />for scholarships as above mentioned: . <br />1 pair diamond pendant earrings <br />1 three stone diamond ring' <br />1 two stone diamond ring <br />1 man's diamond stick pin and ring, white gold <br />1 gold nugget necklace and diamond set pendant <br />1 gold & diamond set bracelet <br />1 diamond guard wedding ring (platinum) <br />1 two diamond and 1 blue stone ring <br />1 pearl surrounded by diamonds ring <br />9. 1 cameo brooch and miscellaneous other jewelry besides <br />that mentioned in paragraph 8 above, to my neice Danetta B. Irvin. <br />10. From my Safe Deposit Box above mentioned my copyrights, 21 <br />in total, to Lakeside Unity, 144 Athol Avenue, Oakland, Calif. <br />11. In the event of my death while in the employ of Payne <br />Construction Company, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company's <br />policy No. 11116-GTC in the amount of $2000.00 to be paid to my <br />estate and the 2000.00 to be given to Eugene B. Payne, 131 Crocker <br />Ave., Piedmont, Calif. <br />Any items discussed which I have failed to mention above to be given <br />to Robert E. Lunn. I have only one child, my son Louis M. Seeberger mentioned herein, and no heirs. Should my son or anyone else contest <br />this will, then I leave the sum of one dollar to each. <br />signed, Gertrude H. Dusevoir <br />-2- <br />
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