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M E M 0 <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Glenn A. Forbes, City Attorney <br />DATE: June 25, 1975 <br />RE: Estate of Gertrude H. Dusevoir <br />Mrs. Gertrude H. Dusevoir died in the early part of this year, <br />leaving a handwritten will. The will (typewritten copy attached) makes <br />a gift in the name of her parents, Daniel M. and Henrietta A. Heath of <br />property at 1220 - 143rd Avenue to the City of San Leandro "... for use <br />as a public library and/or tennis courts and for no other purpose..." <br />This will has been admitted to probate, and it is now incumbent on the <br />Council to either accept or reject the gift subject to the conditions <br />stated. <br />For your further information on this matter, I am attaching <br />copies of a recent letter to my office from the attorney who is handl- <br />ing the probate of the will and a brief memorandum prepared by the Recrea- <br />tion Director as to the cost and feasibility of using the property for <br />tennis courts. <br />The property is presently vacant, and I am informed by the <br />Fire Department that it constitutes a fire and safety hazard. Steps <br />are now being taken to lessen the hazards presented, but a final solu- <br />tion must await the Council's decision as to whether the gift should <br />be accepted. For this reason, and as a courtesy to those who are handl- <br />ing the probate of the estate, I suggest that the Council deal with this <br />matter as expeditiously as possible. <br />GLENN A. FORBES <br />City Attorney <br />GAF/naj <br />Attachments <br />