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San Leandro,Ca <br />G.L. Dennehey, City Clerk <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 E. 14th Street <br />San Leandro,Ca 94577 <br />ALSO: <br />David Karp, Mayor of San Leandro <br />Mary Woods, Engineering Dept. of S.L. <br />Richard B. Gordon, Right of Way agent; <br />County of Alameda <br />Re: City of San Leandro Davis Street Improvement Project <br />Assessbr's No. 77A-630-81 FAU-No. M-5 112 ( ) <br />Property located at 1224 Pierce Avenue, San Leandro, California <br />Dec. 19, 1986 <br />On November 19,1985, I Adelina Brum signed an agreement to accept $14,400.00 <br />for a partial release of the above mentioned property. I was to be paid within <br />a reasonable amount of time, and as of this date I have not been paid. <br />Sincc all other property owners affected by the project have been paid, <br />and I have not, I am hereby declaring that agreement void, and if and when you <br />need that piece of property, we shall enter into a new negotiation. <br />It is my opinion that thirteen months without being paid is beyond a <br />reasonable time. If you have decided not to acquire the above property, please <br />have the city repair the damage done to my fence and concrete by a construction <br />crew while excavating in front of my home. <br />'/-.6 v/1 4e--, <br />o cam, tom( `J <br />Sincerely, <br />A.F. Brum <br />'i�7 -1 L4 I -_I -�L_ <br />