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SAN LEANDRO. CALIFORNIA <br />/�, 19 � <br />ADELINA BRUM <br />Grantor(s) <br />REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE CONTRACT - CITY OF SAN LEANDRO FAU No. M-5 112 ( ) <br />A document in the form of a Grant Deed covering the property particularly <br />described therein has been executed and delivered to Richard B. Gordon, Right of <br />Way Agent, County of Alameda, acting on behalf of the City of San Leandro. <br />In consideration of which, and the other considerations hereinafter <br />set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows: <br />1. The parties have herein set forth the whole of their agreement. <br />The performance of this agreement constitutes the entire consideration for said <br />document and shall relieve the City of San Leandro of all further obligation or <br />claims on this account. <br />2. The City of San Leandro shall: <br />(A) Pay the undersigned grantor(s) the sum of $14,400.00 for the <br />property or interest conveyed by above document when title to <br />said property vests in the City of San Leandro, free and clear of <br />all liens, encumbrances, assessments, easements and leases <br />(recorded and/or unrecorded), and taxes, except: <br />a. Taxes for the fiscal year in which escrow closes which <br />shall be cleared and paid in the manner required by Section <br />5086 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, if unpaid at the <br />close of escrow. <br />b. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations of <br />record, or contained in the above -referenced document. <br />c. Easements or rights of way over said land for public or <br />quasi -public utility or public street purposes, if any. <br />