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MEMORANDUM <br />City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />December 4, 1985 <br />MEMO TO: Georgia Dennehey, City Clerk <br />FROM: Mary Woods, Community Development Analyst <br />SUBJECT: RECORDING OF GRANT OF EASEMENTS AND GRANT DEEDS <br />CITY of SAN LEANDRO <br />uEC 41985 <br />CITY CI_FPK'S 01:FlrF <br />Attached are the subject materials to be recorded for the following properties: <br />Grant of Easement, 1241 Pearson (RUIZ) 334 s.f. <br />Grant of Easement, 1233 Pearson (ACOSTA) 368 s.f. <br />Grant Deed, 1209 Pearson (TEDESCHI) 702 s.f. <br />Grant Deed, 1217 Pearson (HILL) 121 s.f. <br />Grant of Easement, 1225 Pearson (SCHULTZ) 261 s.f. <br />We have paid the owners and received the appropriate rights of entry, to begin <br />the soundwall work near the I880 entrance to Davis Street. <br />MW:db <br />cc: Alice Calvert <br />Mark Rodrigues <br />Jim O'Leary <br />Bill Rugg <br />Curt Luck <br />