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TY OF S.AN LEA., D Z( qq& <br />INTEROFFICE MEMO <br />TO... G_* Forbes <br />FROM W,_Rugg._._-_-Comnun -t;y- _Povelopmen.t_Direc or.. <br />SUBJECT QUIT CLAIM DEED, PORTIO*- OF WASHINGTON AVENUE, RE: ORCHARD PARK <br />_ Attached --is- a quit claim deed for -the_w Portion of WashinPton Avenue <br />adjacent to the old bowlingalley that constitutes the Security <br />Deposit from Peralta. <br />Please forward the deed to the C Clerk for acceptance and <br />recordation. The City,Clerk is_to forward 6 dies of the <br />recorded deed to this office when the Recorder returns Tt to him <br />We will fonw rd_ copies to Peralta. <br />- Attachment <br />lea <br />