<br />PARCEL 8
<br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda. State of
<br />California, being a portion of the 6.22 ac►•e tract of land in the Rancho
<br />San Leandro conveyed by Silas McClure and Julia Ann McClure to Thomas
<br />Antonio, by Deed dated June 14, 13376, recorded June 14, 1876 in Book 126
<br />of Deeds, Page 365, Alameda County Records, and being further described
<br />as follows:
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the northwestern line of the parcel of .
<br />land conveyed by Silas t'cClur•e and Julia Ann McClure to John Murfey, by
<br />deed dated September 21, 1874, recorded September 25, 1874, Boov 97 of
<br />Deeds, Page 471, ,?1arreda County Records, with the northeastern line of
<br />Parcel 1 of the tract of land conveyed by Dean Lucas and Norma J. Lucas,
<br />a widow, to San Francisco Ray Area Rapid Transit District recorded July
<br />12, 1966, Reel 1803, Image b75, Alameda County Records; thence along said
<br />northeastern, line, north 4? 2e' S7" west, 170.15 feet to a ^oint on the
<br />northeastern line of Washington AvenuS, formerly Known as Watxins Street;
<br />thence along last said line, north 26 40' 27" west,
<br />feet to the
<br />southeastern line of that certain stripif land, 20 feet 6wide, conveyed by
<br />Giuseppe Proietti and Christina •Proietti to State of California. by deed
<br />dated March 26, 1933, recorded April 14. 1933, BooK 3613 of Official
<br />Records of Alameda County, Page 309; thence along last said Tine, north
<br />63 19' 03" east, 20.00 feet tS the northeastern line of said strip; thence
<br />along last said line, north 26 40' 57" west, 161.28
<br />fret to the north-
<br />weatern line of said 6.22 acre tract; thence along last said line, north
<br />42 28' 23" east, 36.11. feet; thence south 290 42' 33" east, 336.86 feet
<br />to the said northwestern line of that parcel of land conveyed by Silas
<br />McClure and Julia Ann McClure to John Plurfey; thence south 430 2q� qg"
<br />west, 10.00 feet to the Beginning.
<br />The above described parcel of lard contains 12,679 square feet, Wore or
<br />less.
<br />DATED: May 3, 1979
<br />ASSESSOR'S NOS: 77D-1410-5/12
<br />77D-1424-1/4
<br />her attorney in fact
<br />l � a��� hr
<br />B AN G. LYTTLE
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