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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a <br />Municipal corporation <br />By . <br />On this 10th day of March in the year one <br />thousand nine hundred and Eighty -Two , before me, <br />Richard 11. West , a Notary Public, State of California, <br />duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared <br />Leroy E. Riordan <br />known to me to be the City Manager of the corporation <br />described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to <br />me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf <br />of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such <br />corporation executed the same <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand andaffixed <br />my offician seal in the cityof •5an Leapn�d/ro ounty of <br />This document is only a general lorm which may be proper lot use Alameda the+' day and year /this tl1j" f bir3MV <br />tten. <br />in simple transactions and in no way acts. or is intended to act. as a } + /; ��• �: <br />substitute lot the advice of an attorney The publisher does not make any warranty <br />either express or implied. as 10 the legal validity of any provision Or the Suitability of <br />these forms in any specific transaction Notary Public, State of California <br />Cowdery's Form No. 28 — Acknowledgement My commission expires 5 April 1985 <br />Corporation (C. C. Secs. 1190-1190.1) <br />This easement is an easement in gross, personal to the <br />Grantees named herein, and each of them, and shall continue <br />in full force and effect until the last Grantee shall die or <br />the present use of the Grantees contiguous property as a <br />barrel and tub manufacturing facility is terminated, which- <br />ever events first occur. No Grantee shall have any right to <br />convey, assign or otherwise transfer said easement. <br />Dated: 10 March 1982 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF Alameda <br />ti <br />