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1 Final Judgment. <br />2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: <br />3 (a) The public interest and necessity require the <br />4 project; <br />5 (b) The acquisition is planned and located in the <br />6 manner that will be most compatible with the <br />7 greatest public good and the least private <br />8 injury; and <br />9 (c)- The property sought to be acquired is necessary <br />10 for the purpose of the construction and mainte- <br />11 nance of a municipal corporation yard. <br />12 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Plaintiff, <br />13 CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, shall instruct Western Title Insurance <br />14 Company to pay, from the sum of $368,300.00 to be deposited <br />15 therewith, the sum of $147,697.66 to Defendant, DIAMOND BUILDING <br />16 MATERIALS, INC., and $220,602.34, plus post -settlement interest <br />17 on the sum of $368,300.00, to Defendants, WILLIAM B. BROWN, <br />18 JAMES F. BROWN and THOMAS T. BROWN. <br />19 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Defendants, <br />20 DIAMOND BUILDING MATERIALS, INC., ACE BUILDING & LUMBER COMPANY <br />21 and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST COMPANY have no interest <br />22 in the subject property. <br />23 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that real <br />24 property taxes, including any delinquencies, costs and interest, <br />25 if any, shall be prorated (in accordance with Revenue and Taxation <br />26 Code Section 4986) as of May 1, 1981, the effective date of the <br />2 <br />