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REAL PROPERTY in Lt Ly of San Leandru, County o mcda. SLate of <br />-California, described as fulluws: <br />PAkCE L 1 <br />Portion of Lot 13, according Lu the Partition Map of the land of the <br />Leonard Stone Estate, filed October 8, 1895, Map Gook 15, Pa(le 36, <br />in the uffice of the County Itecurder of Alameda County described as <br />fullows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersectiun of the Northwestern line of said <br />Lot 13 with the Southwestern line of the right of way of the Central <br />Pacific Railroag Company; running thence along said line of said right <br />Of way South 42 38' East 625. /2 feet to -the Northwestern line of the <br />0.18 acre tract of land described in the deed to the Central Pacific <br />Railroad Company, dated February 27, 1897 and recorded in Book 607 of <br />Deeds, Page 465; thence along the last mentioned line and along the <br />Northwestern line of the 0.319 acre tract of land described in the deed <br />to the County of Alameda, d8Led March 12, 1897 and recorded in Book 625 <br />of Deeds. Page 89, South 47 22' West 50.00 feet to the Southwestern <br />lice of said 0.319 acre tract; thence along the last mentioned line South <br />42 38' East 48.18 feet to a point distant thereon North 42 .38' West <br />198.00 feet from the Southeastern line of said Lot b3, thence parallel <br />with the Southeastern line of said Lot 13, South 62 00' West 451.38 feet <br />to a line drawn parallel with the Southwestern line of said Lot 13 and <br />distant 20.00 feet Northeasterly therefrom measured at right angles <br />thereto; thence along said parallel line South 28 00' East 191.58 feet <br />to the said Southeastern line of Lot 13; thence along the the exterior <br />boundary lines of said Lot 13 the 5 following courses and distances: <br />South 620 00' WSst 20.00 feet, thence Nor•Lh 28 00' West 1123.98 feet, <br />thence North 62 OU' �ast 1l4./4 feet, Lhence South 280 00' East Z65.98 <br />feet; thence North 62 00' East 225.06 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Excepting therefrom that portiun thereof conveyed to City of San Leandro <br />by Deed recorded July 1, 1974, Reel 3718, Image 139, Official Records. <br />Also excepting therefrom that portion thereof described as follows. <br />Beginning at the Southern corner of said Lot 13; thence along the <br />Southeastern line of said Lot 13 North 620 00' East 20 feet to a line <br />drawn parallel with the Southwestern line of said Lot 13 and distant <br />20.00 feet Northeasterly therefrom measured at right angles thereto; <br />thence along said parallel line North 280 00' West 191.58 feet; thence <br />South 620 00' West 20 feet to the Southwestern line of said Lot 13; <br />thence South 280 00' East 191.56 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Also excepting therefrom that portion thereof described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Southern corner of said Lot: 13; thence .ilong the <br />Southwestern line of !.aid Lot 13 North 280 00' West 191.58 feet; thence <br />North 620 00' East 213 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with the <br />Southwestern line of said Lot 13 and distant 213.00 feet Northeasterly <br />therefrom measured at right angles thereto, said point being also the <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along ;,aid parallel line North 280 00' <br />West 200.00 feet; thence North 620 00' East to the Southwestern line of <br />the right of way of the Central Pacific Railroad Company; thence along <br />said line of said right of way South 420 38' East to the Northwestern <br />line of the 0.18 acre tract of <br />LD 80-11 Page 1 of 3 <br />Revision No. 4 3/15/82 <br />EXHIFEAT A <br />