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Beginning at the poinL of intersection of the Southwestern line of <br />the right of way of the Southern Pacific. Transportation Company with <br />Lhe Northwestern line of the U. Itt acro tract of land described in Lhr <br />deed Lo Lhe ConLra I Pacific: Rai I road Con(Irany, da Lod February ?/. ltt�17 <br />and recorded in [look 607 of Deeds, a t I'a(I(, 4()`) ; thence a l onq List. said <br />line and its Soul.hwesLerly prolon(yati(�11, `,ou1.h 470 2r' W(—I., 60 fro1, <br />more or l e`.,% , Lo Lhe mos L we% k-r•Il corner of LhJ L parcel u ► 1,11111 Coll- <br />veyed to the City of San Leandro by dead recorded July I, 1974, on Reel <br />3718, at Image 139, Alameda County Records, said corner bein(1 also a <br />point on a curve, tangent to the southwestern line of last said parcel, <br />said curve being concave to the northeast, having a radius of 821.00 <br />feet; thence northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle <br />of 100 08' 31", a distance of 145.33 feet to a point on a tangent <br />line; thence along last said line, North 320 29' 29" West 12.83 feet, <br />more or less, to a point on a line drawn parallel with the Southeastern <br />line of said Lot 13 and distant 391.58 feet Northwesterly therefrom <br />measured at right angle-, thereto; thence along last said parallel line, <br />North 620 00' East 46.42 feeL, more or less, Lo the Southwestern line <br />of the said right of way; thence along last said line, South 420 38' <br />East to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 3,376 square feet, more <br />or less. <br />PARCEL 4 <br />Portion of Lot 10, accordin(1 to tho I'ari.ition Map of the land of the <br />Leonard Stone Estate, filed October 8, 1895, Map Book 15. at fade 36, <br />in the o f f i ce or Lh(t coon y o I A l .miod,l Coun 1 y, aryl dv,`c r i bod <br />in the Deed from Diamond bui ldiml MAvr•ia l%, Inc., to William B. Brown, <br />Janus F. Brown and Thomas T. Brown, rocovdcd January 10, 19/8, oil Reel <br />5214, at Images 488 and 489 and 490, Alameda County Records, more <br />particularly described as follow%: <br />A strip of land, 40 feet in width, the Nc..•Lhwestern line of said Strip <br />being described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the Northeastern line of said Lot 10 and <br />the Northwestern line of said portion of LoL 10 described in said Deed, <br />and extending Southwesterly, 178 feet, more or less, to the Northeastern <br />line of Fremont Avenue, formerly SuLter Sheet., as said Avenue is shown <br />upon Tract Map 1507, filed March 15, I9`.,5, Book 35, Pages 6.; and 69, <br />Alameda County Records. <br />The above described pare I u I I,(nd can La i n,, / , I ZU se.lual•e fee L , more ol• <br />less. <br />Revision No. 4 3/15/82 <br />LD 80-11 Page 3 of 3 <br />Dwg. 648A Case 1603 <br />Proposed Corporation Yard Site (Parcels 1 & 2) <br />Chapman Road Extension (Parcel 3) <br />Proposed Corporation Yard Accessway (Parcel 4) <br />Assessor's No.s 77B-1165-2-3 <br />77B-1165-5 <br />