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Policy Number S 367113 <br />Order Number SL- 8 2 8 2 5 0 <br />SCHEDULE B (Continued) <br />PART TWO <br />1- 1979-80 taxes a lien, not yet payable. <br />2- Condition contained in the deed from Southern Pacific Land Company, <br />recorded September 18, 1979, Series No. 185974, as follows: <br />Grantor excepts from the property hereby conveyed that portion <br />thereof lying below a depth of 500 feet, measured vertically, from the <br />contour of the surface of said property; however, Grantor or its suc- <br />cessors and assigns shall not have the right for any purpose.whatsoever <br />to enter upon, into or through the surface of said property or any part <br />thereof lying between said surface and 500 feet below said surface. <br />CLTA SW-lud Covmwe Policy—IM Page 3 <br />