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Order 113497 <br />Page 2 <br />A. TAXES for the fiscal year 1978-79, a lien not yet due or Payable. <br />1. EASEMENT affecting that portion of premises and for the purposes <br />stated herein and incidental purposes as created by the following <br />instrument, <br />For: The right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a railroad <br />tract <br />Granted to: Southern Pacific Company, a corporation of the state of Kentucky <br />Recorded: March 25, 1947, Book 5085, Page 450, Official Records <br />Affects: The southeastern 20 feet <br />2. EASEMENT for the right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a <br />railroad tract and appurtances as contain in that certain agreement by <br />and between C. Dudley Develbiss etal and Southern Pacific Company, a <br />corporation of the state of Kentucky, and upon the terms and condition <br />contain therein, recorded March 25, 1947 in Book 5085, Page 451, Official <br />Records <br />Affects: The northwestern 15 feet of the southeastern 35 feet of premises <br />3. EASEMENT affecting that portion of premises and for the purposes <br />stated herein and incidental purposes as created by the following <br />instrument, <br />For: Underground drainage purposes and incidental thereto <br />Granted to: The State of California <br />'d Recorded: February 10, 1975, Reel 3873, Image 713, Official Records <br />Affects: The southeasterly portion of*said premises <br />C4.Unrecorded "Right of way contract -State Highway", by and between <br />Robertson Truck -a -Way, Inc., a California corporation and State of <br />California. Upon the terms and conditions contained therein as contained <br />in the last above instrument. <br />NOTE: <br />COUNTY AND CITY TAXES for the fiscal year 1977-73 <br />1st Install: $1,214.08 paid <br />2nd Install: $1,214.08 paid <br />Real: $19,500.00 <br />Impr: $8,200.00 <br />Pers. Ppty: none <br />Exempt: none <br />A. P. No: 79A-325-1-4 <br />Code Area: 10-001 <br />COUNTY AND CITY TAXES for the fiscal year 1977-78 <br />1st Install: $4,082.75 paid <br />2nd Install: $4,082.75 paid <br />Real: $88,125.00 <br />Impr: $5,025.00 <br />Pers. Ppty: none <br />Exempt: none <br />A. P. No: 79A-325-1-6 <br />Code Area: 10-001 <br />