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T"Alf <br />' F;XHIBI P <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro. County of Alameda. State <br />of California. being a portion of Block 7. Map of Harlan's Addition <br />to the Town of San Leandro. Etc.. filed May 28. 1866, Map Book 2. <br />page 42, Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of Washington Avenue. <br />formerly Watkins Street, distant thereon northwesterly 100.00 feet <br />from the point of intersection thereof with the northwestern line <br />of Estabrook Street, as said streets are shown on said map; thence <br />northwesterly along said line of Washington Avenue 50.00 feet to a <br />point on the northwestern boundary line of that certain parcel of <br />land described 1n deed from Louis R. Deadrich, et al, to Henry <br />Doelger, Builder. Incorporated, a corporation, dated September 21, <br />1943 and recorded October 15, 1943, in Book 4444 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, page 158; thence northeasterly along last said <br />line 6.00 feet. more or less, to a line drawn parallel with and 6.00 <br />feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from said line of <br />Washington Avenue; thence southeasterly along said parallel line <br />50.00 feet until intersected by a line drawn northeasterly from the <br />point of beginning and parallel with the said line of Estabrook �J <br />Street; thence southwesterly along the line so drawn 6.00 feet, more <br />or less, to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 300 square feet. more or <br />less. <br />DATED <br />ASSESSOR'S NO. 77-557-25 <br />