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MEMORANDUM <br />City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />August 15, 1984 <br />To: Georgia Dennehey, City Clerk <br />From: John Nelson, Assistant Engineer CVV" <br />Subj: Grant Deed - Washington Ave. near Estabrook St. <br />CITY of SAN LEANDRO <br />AUG 16 1984 <br />CITY CLERK'S OFFICE <br />Attached are a grant deed and a deed of partial conveyance <br />for property at 2060 Washington Ave. The owners were required <br />to dedicate property as a condition of SD 83-21. <br />Please file the deed of partial reconveyance in your own <br />files and have the grant deed recorded. Provide me with a copy <br />of the recorded grant deed and cc file # for the deed when they <br />are available. Thank you. <br />JN/alc <br />Attach. <br />