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PLEASE RECORD AND RET,LtN TO: <br />Richard H. West, City Clerk <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />9 <br />SF DUE <br />GRANT DEED R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />DOLAN FOSTER ENTERPRISES, INC., a corporation, hereby grants to the CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal Corporation, all the real property situated in <br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California described as <br />follows: <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Lot Y in Block D, as said lot and block <br />are shown on the map of Mulford Gardens Unit No. 1, filed May 2, 1927, <br />in Book 12 of Maps, page 69, Alameda -ounty Records, described as <br />Fnl 1 n�.�c <br />BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of said Lot Y, said corner being <br />on the northeast line of Doolittle Drive, (formerly Pore Line Boule- <br />vard), 80 feet wide; thence along said line north 27 30' west 151.00 <br />feet to a tangent curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 34.00 <br />feet; thence northwesterly, northerly, and northeasterly along said <br />curve, through a central angle of 90 00' a distance of 53.41 feet to <br />a tangent line, said tangent i i ne De i ng Lne souUFiea s L d i ne ur +•ia► Ili" <br />Boulevard, (forierby First Avenue), 60 feet wide; thence along last <br />said line north 62 30' east 66.00 feet; thence at right angles to last <br />said line south 27° 30' east 10.00 feet to a line drawn parallel with <br />and 10.00 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the said <br />lice of Marina Boulevard; thence along said parallel line south <br />62 30' west 58.00 feet to a tangent curve, concave to the east, havin<.l <br />a radius of 30.00 feet; thence southwesterly, southerly, and south- <br />easterly along last said curve, through a central angle of 90 00' a <br />distance of 47.12 feet to a tangent line, last said line being parallel <br />with and 12.00 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the <br />said line of Doolittle Drive; thence along last said parallel line <br />145.00 feet to the :southeast line of said Lot Y; thence along last <br />said line south 620 30' west 12.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 3,045 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />DATED April 16, 1982 <br />ASSESSOR'S NOS. 79A-569-13/4 and 79A-569-13/1 <br />DOLAN FOSTER ENTERPRISES, INC., a <br />corporation <br />By �/1 <br />