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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT entered into on April 16, 1982 <br />by and between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter <br />referred to as City, and Dolan Foster Enterprises, Inc. , <br />hereinafter referred to as Owner. <br />In consideration of the granting of certain entitlements of use described as <br />follows: Grant of building permits for 2160 P1ari na Boulevard (also <br />subiect to Code Compliance reuuirements) <br />and the ultimate acceptance by the City of the property described in Exhibit B <br />herein (if applicable). <br />It is mutually agreed as follows: <br />1. Construction of Public Improvements. Owner agrees to construct public <br />improvements in the area shown on the attached document, marked Exhibit A, <br />incorporated herein by reference, and further identified as Plan Line widening <br />on Marina Boulevard and Plaster Plan widening on Doolittle Drive <br />Said improvements shall include curb, gutter, sidewalk, street pavement, <br />electrolier and traffic signal <br />and all other improvements required- by the Director of the Department of Public <br />Works based upon the standards imposed �v Title VII, Chapter 17 of the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code of 1957 and the Standard Specifications adopted by the City of San <br />Leandro for public works. <br />2. Time of Completion. All of said public improvements shall be <br />completed within 1 year from the date of execution of this Agreement, unless <br />said time is extended by the Director of Public Works. In the event that Owner fails <br />