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AND WM£N RECORDED MAIL TO <br />II <br />Ticor Title Insurance Company of California <br />NAME <br />Attn: Laurie Rosa <br />STREST <br />50 Callfornta Street, <br />A DON[f■ <br />C ITy <br />14 <br />ban Francisco, CA 9il <br />STAT< <br />801557LR 42-9004-0021 <br />THE FOLLOWING COPY OF NOTICE", THE ORIGINAL OF <br />WHICH WAS FILED FOR RECORD ON APRIL 11,1990 <br />16 �N TOI�QFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF ALAMEDA <br />1 COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IS SENT TO YOU i1NASMUCH AS AN <br />EXAMINIATION OF THE TITLE TO SAID TRUST PROPERTY <br />SHOWS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE TRUSTEES <br />SALES PROCEEDINGS. <br />Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE <br />IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU ARE BEHIND IN <br />YOUR PAYMENTS, IT MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, and you <br />may have the legal right to bring your account in good standing by paying all of your past due <br />payments plus permitted costs and expenses within the time permitted by law for rein- <br />statement of your account, which is normally five business days prior to the date set for <br />the sale of your property. No sale date may be set until three months from the date this <br />notice of default may be recorded (which date of recordation appears on thi$ notice). <br />This amount Is $19,050.00 plus Trustee's fees and as of 04/09 90 <br />expenses (Date) <br />and will increase until your account becomes current. You may not have to pay the entire <br />unpaid portion of your account, even though full payment was demanded, but you must <br />pay the amount stated above. However, you and your beneficiary or mortgagee may <br />mutually agree in writing prior to the time the notice of sale is posted (which may not be <br />earlier than the end of the three-month period stated above) to, among other things, (1) <br />provide additional time in which to cure the default by transfer of the property or other- <br />wise; or (2) establisha schedule of payments in order to cure your default;orboth (1)and (2). <br />Following the expiration of the time period referred to in the first paragraph of this <br />notice, unless the obligation being foreclosed upon or a separate written agreement between <br />you and your creditor permits a longer period, you have only the legal right to stop the <br />Sale of your property by paying the entire amount demanded by your creditor. <br />To find out the amount you must pay, or to arrange for payment to stop the fore- <br />closure, or if your property is in foreclosure for any other reason, contact: <br />Ruth White, as Trustee under the Will of Minna K. Shapiro, Deceased <br />c/o Feldman, Waldman & Kline, A.P.C. 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 270C <br />San Francisco,CA 94104 Attn: Mark A. Serlin (415)981-130C <br />(Name of beneficiary or mortgagee) (Mailing address) (Telephone) <br />If you have any questions, you should contact a lawyer or the government agency <br />which may have insured your loan. <br />Notwithstanding the fact that your property is in foreclosure, you may offer your <br />property for sale, provided the sale is concluded prior to the conclusion of the foreclosure. <br />Remember, YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PROMPT <br />ACTION. <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of CALIFORNIA, a corporation, formerly Title Insurance and Trust Company, <br />is duly appointed Trustee under a Deed of Trust dated 10/15/81 executed by <br />Casper Industries A General Partnership <br />as Trustor, to secure certain obligations <br />in favor of Ruth White, as Trustee under the Will of Minna K. Shapiro, Deceasec <br />recorded 10/28/,yslnstrumentno- 81-182544 nook <br />of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of Alameda <br />As more fully described on said Deed of <br />said obligations including 1 note(s) for the original <br />as beneficiary, <br />,page <br />County, California. describing the land therein as. <br />Trust. <br />sum of$ 120,000.00 <br />ryeq an¢ 9C4X�'4CD[D[4fl]tl]Q4C1fa9C4i7]R that a breach of, and <br />default in, the obligptions for which such Deed of Trust is security has occured in that payment has not been made of: <br />The installment of principal and interest due 6/28/89 and all <br />subsequent installments of principal and interest, plus late charges <br />that by reason thereof, the I} &YA1f13f9.7( present beneficiary under such Deed of Trust, has executed and delivered to said duly appointed Trustee, a <br />written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and has deposited with said duly appointed Trustee, such Deed of Trust and all documents <br />evidencing obligations secured thereby, and has declared and does hereby declare all sums secured thereby immediately due and payable and has elected <br />and does hereby elect to cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. <br />THIS NOTICE MUST BE RECORDED BY TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORBIL <br />TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TRUSTS a,� <br />OF CALIFORNIA, FORMERLY TITLE <br />INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY <br />04/09/90 BY. <br />Dated JOSEPH F. ARENSON, ASST. VICE PRESIDF <br />