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78 -r 136 918 RE: 5491 4140 <br />The remaining property described in the deed of trust shall <br />continue to be held by trustee under the terms thereof, and as provided <br />therein. This partial reconveyance is made without affecting the per- <br />sonal liability of any person for payment of the indebtedness secured <br />by the deed of trust or the effect of the deed of trust on the remainder <br />of the property covered thereby. <br />In witness whereof, CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY COMPANY, as trustee, <br />has executed this instrument on June 16, 1978 , 1978. <br />CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY COMPANY, <br />a corporation <br />By <br />D. V. Larsen, Manager <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF <br />On June 16, , 1978, before me, the undersigned , <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda , State of <br />California, personally appeared D. V. Larsen , known to me to <br />be the ;4anuRer of the corporation that executed the within <br />instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. <br />d. QFFICIAI SEAL <br />p` n <br />NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />My comm. expires MAR 3,.1981 <br />NOTARY PUBL V in and for said <br />County and State <br />18-136918 <br />RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS <br />OF ALA",lEDA COUNTY, CALIF. <br />J U L 181978 <br />4:30 PM <br />AT....................... .....M <br />REI E C. DAVIDSON, County Recorder <br />