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I! <br />PLEASE RECORD AND RETURN TO: y NO DOCU TARY-T AN <br />Richard H. West, City Clerk GRANT DEED <br />City of San Leandro 1 ��� R. . WEST, CITY CLERK <br />835 East 14th Street + • CITY OF SAN LEAN DRO m <br />San Leandro KARL EIKEBERG and MARY E. EIKEBERG, his wife, hereby grant to �. <br />California <br />94577 the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, all that land situated CJl <br />C7 <br />f,• <br />M <br />n <br />I <br />in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California being a portion of that certain parcel of land described <br />in the deed from Karl Eikeberg and Mary E. Eikeberg to Karl Eikeberg <br />and Mary E. Eikeberg, as community property, recorded July 10, 1972 <br />on Reel..3176 at Image 913 Alameda County Records, and being further <br />described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the prolongation of the southwest <br />line of Doolittle Drive (County Road No. 1434) 66.00 feet wide, with <br />the prolongation of the northwest line of Davis Street (County Road <br />No. 5952) 55 feet wide; thence along the last said line south 690 13' <br />west 291.52 feet to the west corner of the said parcel to Eikeberg, <br />said west corner being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along the <br />said northwest line of Davis Street south 690 13' west 70.62 feet; <br />thence at right angles north 200 47' west 5.00 feet to a line drawn <br />parallel with and 5.00 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, <br />from the said northwest line of Davis Street; thence along the said <br />parallel line north 690 13' east 70.62 feet to the northeast line of <br />the said parcel to Eikeberg; thence along the last said line south <br />O r east r n r + to th.c TRUE POINT OF BE n'TING <br />The above described parcel of land contains 353 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />DATED February 28, 1977 <br />ASSESSOR'S NO. 77A-649-8-5 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />COUNTY OF ALAbTEDA ) ss. <br />KARL EIKEBER <br />MARY E. rBERG <br />On February 28 , 1977, before me, the undersigned , <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of ALAMEDA , State of CALIFORNIA , <br />personally appeared KARL EIKEBERG and MARY E. EIKEBERG, his wife, known to me <br />to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and <br />c <br />` �Z" they <br />(1T'FICIAL . SAL <br />DONNA J. ELLEGO�JD <br />0 NOTARYPUBLIC-C: LIFu ,IPNIA <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />My Commission Expires Oct.15,1977 <br />executed the same. <br />u <br />