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RECORDING REC :D BY <br />• <br />-50 OI"1''ar -1 l Stree <br />,San Ur-pneisee, CA 941499- <br />City of San Leandro, Office of the City Clerk <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />FOffice of the City Clerk <br />NAME City of San Leandro <br />ADDRESS <br />reet <br />TY & San Leandro, CAt94577 <br />STATE <br />Loan No. 1801106-4 <br />Recon. No. 47320 <br />- 2 3 1 1 9 ? <br />REo C':.+ 1 <br />0' .II -coRE <br />CiiLIF. <br />0 '85 OCT 28 PSI 4 30 <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />Deed of Partial Reconveyance <br />CITY of SAN LEANDRO <br />NOV 2 11985 <br />r.ITY (;I FPK'4 Ocrlr:F <br />* WHEREAS on April 29, 1983 Anthony J. Capra and Julie Capra, his wife and Howard <br />*Eisenhut and Nancy L. Eisenhut, husband and wife <br />as Trustor(s) executed a deed of trust to <br />FRANCISCAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, as Trustee for the benefit of SAN FRANCISCO <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a federal savings and loan association, which deed of trust was <br />*recorded on May 5, 1983 , in the office of the County Recorder of the County of <br />* Alameda , State of California, in Book of Official Records thereof, at Page , <br />*Series Number Document 83-075659 <br />NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration paid to SAN FRANCISCO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION, a federal savings and loan association, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, <br />FRANCISCAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, as Trustee, does hereby remise, release and <br />reconvey unto the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without any warranty, the following property conveyed to the <br />Trustee under said Deed of Trust, being a portion of lands described therein: <br />* That certain real property situate in the City of San Leandro <br />* Alameda , State of California, described as follows: <br />County of <br />Agreement for Relinquishment of Right of Ingress and Egress from the land described in <br />that certain Deed recorded May 10, 1983, in Recorder's Series No. 83-78907, Alameda <br />County Records, over and across the line described in the Grant Deed from George R. <br />Canoles and Hazel V. Canoles, his wife, to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corp— <br />oration, recorded March 27, 1973, on Reel 3373, at Image 810, Alameda County Records, <br />as "north 790 36' 43" west, 25.43 feet", to the public right—of—way commonly known as <br />San Leandro Boulevard. <br />Reference is hereby made to said Deed of Trust and the record thereof for a particular description of the lands <br />described therein, and the said Deed of Trust lien shall remain in full force and effect upon the lands described therein, not <br />heretofore reconveyed and not described above as the lands reconveyed by this Deed of Partial Reconveyance: <br />* WITNESS, this 15th day of March, 1985 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ss. <br />*On March 15, 1985 before me, the under- <br />signed, a Notary Public in and for said City and County and State, <br />personally appeared <br />* Bertha Lewis known to me (or proved <br />to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be <br />*Assistant Vice President of the corporation that ex- <br />ecuted the within instrument, and known to me to be the person who <br />executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein <br />named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the <br />same pursuant to its By Laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />FRANCISCAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION, <br />a California corporation <br />B <br />Y <br />Bertha Lewis <br />Assistant Vice President <br />FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP <br />I!!IfIlllflRlf1111!Illlllli11111111!!111111111!!1!111!11!I!1! ill it! III1!l1111111111111 <br />OFFICIAL SEAL <br />CAROLEE W. IMAMMI <br />NOTARY PUBLIC .CALIFORNIA _ <br />CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO <br />My Commission Expires Oct. 23, 1987 =_ <br />�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfII11111111111I111111N1111111f1A1ilii;iii16A111if111111!NIIIU <br />Carolee W. Imazumi J Notary Public <br />-C-3 (Rev_ 7/821 <br />