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Deed - Fairmont Dr, Bayfair Mall entrance - File 1168, 1986 pt1
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Deed - Fairmont Dr, Bayfair Mall entrance - File 1168, 1986 pt1
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9/26/2022 7:52:03 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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PARCEL B .i EXHIBIT A <br />—14454.1 <br />Real property In the City of San Leandro, County of Ala!!ieda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 2046, filed July <br />28, 1977, in Book 97 of Parcel Maps, at Pages 70 and 71, Alameda County <br />Records, and being further described as follows: <br />Conmencing at the most northerly corner of the said Parcel 2; thence <br />along the northeast line of said Parcel 2, said line also being the <br />southwest line of East 14th Street, formerly �ounty Road from San <br />Leandro to Hayward, (100 feet wide), south 47 35' 38" east, 43.53 feet <br />to the TRUE PgINT OF BEGINNING; (hence continuing along the last said <br />line south 47 35' 30" east, 16.47 feet to a southeast line of said <br />Parcel 2; thence glong the last said tine the following courses and dfs- <br />tances: south 42 24' 46" west, 638.24 feet and south 33u 00' 24" west, <br />0.50 feet to a point on a non -tangent curve, concave to the northeast, <br />having a radius of 236 feet, a radial line of said curve to said point <br />bears south 33 00' 24" west; thence northwesterly along the said curve, <br />through a central angle of 200 56' 21", a distance of 86.25 feet to a <br />compound curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 30 feet; thence <br />northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly along the last said curve, <br />through a central angle of 98 05' 49", a distance of 51.36 feet to a <br />reverse curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 1058 feet; <br />thence northeasterly along the last said curve, through a central angle <br />of 19 38' 12", a distance of 162.60 feet to a tangent line; thence along <br />last said line north 42 24' 22" east, 212.11 feet to a tangent curve, <br />concave to the south, having a radius of 30 feet; thence northeasterly, <br />easterly an � southeasterly along the last said curve, through a central <br />angle of 90 OU' 00", a distance of 47.12 teet to the True Point of <br />Beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 39,204 square feet, more or <br />less. <br />LD 78-19 (Revision 1) Page 2 of 2 <br />Dwg. 630A b 630B Case 1603 <br />Fairmont Dr. Entrance to BOOK b Excess <br />Parcels (Take) <br />United Artists <br />
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