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<br />PARCEL 3A BE— 144!43
<br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda
<br />State of California, being a portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel
<br />Map 2046, filed July 28, 1977, in Book 97 of Parcel Maps,
<br />at Pages 70 and 71, Alameda County Records, and being further
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the most northerly corner of the said Parcel 2;
<br />thence along the northeast line of said Parcel 2, said line
<br />also being the southwest line of East 14th Street, formerly
<br />County Road from San Leandro to Iiayward, (100 feet wide),
<br />south .470. 35' 3811 east,.60.00 feet to. a southeast line of said
<br />Parcel 2; thence along the last said line the following courses
<br />and distances: south 420 241 4611 west, 638.24 feet and south
<br />33" 001 2411 west, 64M feet to a point on a non -tangent curve
<br />concave to the northeast, having a radius of 300.00 feet (a
<br />radial line .of said curve to said point bears south 330 00' 2411
<br />west); thence northwesterly along the said non -tangent curve,
<br />through a central angle of 25° 15' 12t1 a distance of 132.23 feet
<br />to a reverse curve, concave to the south, having a radius of
<br />30.00 feet; thence northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly
<br />along the said reverse curve through a central angle of
<br />79" 36' 0811 a distance of 41.68 feet, to a reverse curve, con-
<br />cave to the north, having.a radius of 1058.00 feet; thence
<br />along the last said reverse curve, through a central angle of
<br />22" 271 1311, a distance of 414.62 feet, to a tangent line; thence
<br />along the said tangent line north 88" 53' 191':west, 132.48 feet.
<br />to a tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius
<br />of 30.00 feet; thence westerly, southwesterly, and southerl
<br />along the said tangent curve, through a central angle of
<br />90" 121 2011, a distance of 47.23 feet; thence north 890 051 39"
<br />west, 50.00 feet to the west line of the said Parcel 2; thence
<br />along the last said line north 00 541 2111 east 88.29 feet to a
<br />north line of the said Parcel 2; th-ence along the last said
<br />line south 88" 531 1011 east 212.79 feet to a tangent curve, concave
<br />to the northwest, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, said curve
<br />also being the general northwest line of the said Parcel 2; thence
<br />easterly and northeasterly along the last said tangent curve,
<br />through a central angle of 440 061 0911, a distance of 769.73 feet
<br />to a north line of the said Parcel 2; thence along the last said .
<br />line, south 89" 05' 3911 east, 63.68 feet, more or less, to a north-
<br />west line of the said Parcel 2; thence along the last said line
<br />north 420 241 22t1 east, 280.16 feet to.the BEGINNING. 1
<br />The above described parcel of land contains 114,274 square feet,
<br />more or less.
<br />instrument Is a t ALA
<br />The foregoing : ova �Fo .
<br />correct copy of -the original q
<br />on file in this office
<br />� Z
<br />ATTEST: All 16 19p6 N
<br />RENE C. DAMSC:. Coun`.y Clerk
<br />County Clerk and ex-cfiicio Clark of the Q
<br />Superior, Dort of thlif
<br />e state of Caornia in %1FORI\` EXHIBIT A
<br />epfo�t6s Couaty of meda — 2 —
<br />By !-L�t�ltar- Page 1
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