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on 10350 <br />r Halcyon Drive, Crossing D-16.7 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />PA NCr;'1, <br />Real proprrty in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of the parcel of land <br />described in the deed from Edward Holland to the Western <br />Pacific Railroad Company, recorded October 12, 1869, in <br />Book 49, at,Page 121, Alameda County Records, and being <br />further described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Halcyon <br />Drive, formerly Holland Avenue (56 feet wide), as said street <br />is shown on the map of Estudillo Park, filed January 31, 1911 <br />in Map Book 26, at Page 7, Alameda County Records, with the <br />northeast line of the said parcel from Holland to Western <br />Pacific; thence along the last said line south 42022' east <br />18.95 feet to the most easterly corner of the easement from <br />Southern Pacific Company to the City of San Leandro recorded <br />March 16, 1964, on Reel 1150 at Images 264 through 270, Alameda <br />County Records, said corner being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />thence continuing along the said northeast line of the parcel <br />from Holland to Western Pacific, south 42022' east, 29.78 feet <br />to a line drawn parallel with and 36.00 feet southerly, <br />measured at right angles, from the said south line of Halcyon <br />Drive; thence along said parallel line West 135.35 feet to the <br />southwest line of the said parcel from -Holland to Western <br />Pacific; thence along the last said line north 42Q22' west <br />?6.14 feet to a non -tangent curve, concave to the south, having <br />a radius of 292 feet, said nun -tangent curve being the south <br />We of the said easement from Southern Pacific to the City of <br />San Leandro; thence easterly along the said non -tangent curve, <br />through a central angle of 7047'16", a distance of 39.69 feet <br />to a tangent line; thence along the said tangent line East <br />93.33 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 2,939 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />1",li:,ci-1 P: <br />Sti,eet or highw(zy eaeenterrt. <br />E�RMnou a <br />10, <br />4� <br />rr, <br />w <br />